Hi RJ, If you've done this on a habitual basis, then I would have to say that your method must work. I've just always poured a known quanity of ATF into the tank prior to filling to thourghly mix the two. I've got to say that the first time I tried this that I was more than a bit skeptical about this even working, but I had a diesel that was missing and it was obvious that an injector was dirty. I was in a cafe havin' coffee with the boys and was telling them of my delima and of my not wanting to spend the money to have the injectors cleaned. A trucker at the next table was the guy who put me on to the 'fix' and explained to me that he and his crowd had been doing this for years. So, figuring that the engine certainly couldn't run any worse than it already was, I took his advise and tried it. I really blew my mind how quickly the injector miss cleaned up. I've used it ever since. Allan