Hi Guys,Back after the war, my uncle bought a brand new "B", I'm guessing probably a 1950 or so vintage John Deere. Anyway, he was soooo proud of this thing and he was always 'fiddlin' with it because it was his first new tractor; and he was always tryin' to "push" it to it's limits, like seeing how big a snow drift it could go thru before it got stuck, how many neighbor's tractors he could out run,etc., etc. But to my point: As I recall, it had a 5 or 6 speed round gear shift housing and also, just to the right and rearwards of the gear selecter was a "high/low" lever, which came straight up out of the transmission case and then bent off at about a 30 degree angle. This little lever was about 5 or 6 inches long. I remember him out in the yard playin' around with his new tractor and he had some kind of a shifting sequence whereby he would drive the tractor forward in road gear, stop, move that 'range' selector somehow, shift in and out of road gear and then put the tractor over in reverse. The thing is, he could manage to get that tractor to go backwards in reverse at a road gear speed. Does anyone know how he did this? I was just a little 6 or 7 year old kid, but I can remember him flying accross the yard in road gear reverse, and saw him do it many, many times. This has been driving me crazy for over 50 years, tryin' to figure out how he did it. Anyone? Thanks, Allan