Hi Guys,In May of this year, I hire a local contractor to build me a deck on the house and add an attached garage. He tells me that he can start on it within a month and that the deck will also most certainly be finished within that same month’s time, as he can work it in between other jobs. So far so good, but things starts going south from here. On the 17th of July, I call him and ask if he has forgotten me. He tells me “No, I’ve just had so many little jobs to get out of the way first, before I start on your project.” Late in the day, on the 8th of August he shows up saying he is ready to start the work, but that he will need half of the total costs paid up front. Stupid me, thinking if I give him a substantial down payment, this will hurry him along. Bid was for 17 to 18K, so I write him a check for $10,000. Two weeks later, he shows up and works 2 ˝ days. His wife pulls in the yard on the second day carrying a contract from a local car dealer wanting him to remodel a house in town. My contractor leaves within the hour. In the middle of September, here he comes again and over the next few days, finishes the deck, but first he builds one for the neighbor lady. I now have a really nice deck!!! He says he’ll come back out and put on the first coat of wood preservative. When he doesn’t show up a week later, I go to town, buy a paint gun along with the sealer and do it myself. All the while, everyday I’m drivin’ by the guy working on the car dealer’s house on my way to the post office. My money seems to be making quite a nice renovation over there. The second week in October. Here he comes, he forms up the garage floor and finishes laying the concrete at 5pm. He works all night till 4:30 am power toweling the floor. It is nice!! Three days later, he is back to lay the approach, but needs another $5000 to ‘keep his account going’. Like a damned fool, I write another check, thinking that now, at long last, I’ve got his full attention. The approach is laid and is really nice!! He tells me that the garage will be up by the first of November for sure. The next few days, I see him back at the local car dealer’s house working like a beaver. Nice renovation going on there with my additional money. This is still the third week of October and he tells me, “We usually have really good weather in November”. This morning, the 30th of October, I wake up and my $15,000 deck and cement slab is covered with 3” of snow. God! I hope he remembered to close all the windows and doors on that newly renovated house. I want that local car dealer to be happy. This neon sign on my forehead flashing "Idiot" is really givin' me a headache, Allan