How to best use it? What do you need to have done? Right now my tractor is all ready to drag snow. We got 8" over the weekend and more is falling today. We're all dancing in the streets hoping this is the end of a 5 year drought. Your Ford Jubilee can: drag snow (get a 3 point rear blade), plow a field (get a 2 bottom plow), hoist heavy things to move them from here to there ( get a 3 point boom), grade gravel (use the same blade you got to move snow), move gravel/dire/manure from here to there (get a box blade and/or dirt scoop), mow your pasture (get a bushhog mower), mow your yard (get a finish mower). There's probably at least a hundred other uses for your tractor, but I don't know your circumstances. I use my 850 Ford to cut and bale hay. You could do that with a Jubilee as long as you didn't get too big a baler and were prepared to learn how to do it without a live can be done, my 850 doesn't have live pto either.