Rusty, "The timing could be slow".??? "The timing may be slow"????? WHADDA MEAN, "The timing could be slow"????? ??? I don't want to be disrespectful to you Sir, but I think that you are far too conservative with your use of the adjective "slow". :>) I had some time to work on the old sister this morning and the first thing I did was check the points. Surprisingly, they were very, very close to the .020 setting, so I just touched 'em up a little and then went after that timing. I think if the timing had been set any slower that the engine would have been spinning backwards! LOL I had to move that distributor quite some distance to get it to come in....but, Oh Boy! Does she ever pull now! Like a Farmall should! I'm one happy camper!!! As an added bonus, I've been quite disappointed with this new muffler that the previous owner had installed prior to my buying the tractor. It just always seemed far too loud. Sounded like one of those old flat-head Ford trucks of years gone by. But now, at idle she is quiet as a mouse and has that distinctive Farmall "ring" sound back in the exhaust. Now, I think I better get after building those gussets before I break this old gal in two. Thanks, & wish you were my neighbor, Allan