A little more progress, and of course a few more questions. At this point, it appears that I have made the unconscious decision to tear the engine apart to figure out the cause of its continued lack of movement. Today, I removed the front engine mounting bolts and loosened the rear (so any slight raising or lowering of the front of the engine would not stress the rear mounts too much). I then set out to remove the front of the engine, so that I could get a better look at what may be going on there that could cause the engine to remain stuck. After removing a few of the bolts, I got to looking at the crankshaft pulley and concluded that I needed to tackle its removal before taking any more bolts out. Upon further inspection, I noted that the part upon which the hand crank engages has a screw set into it to hold it on the shaft it is mounted on. It also appeared that this had to come off first, before the pulley. Thus, I loosened the screw, but found that the part would not come off (did not try to force it). It also appears that after I get this part off, I will need to loosen the crankshaft pinion nut nut in order to go any farther.My questions are as follows: 1. Am I right in my thinking that the pulley and the part that the had crankshaft engages against are two distinct pieces? I cannot find this part referred to in the parts manual, even though it is pictured with the pulley. Maybe it is just one piece? Any suggestions on how to get this off (knowing that it is or is not one piece will help)? 2. Am I right that after I get this part off, the next thing I need to do is remove the nut? 3. Any advance notice on what to do next will help. As always, thank you for any help or encouragement you may be able to give. There are pictures to go along with the desription on my web page. Thanks, Tony