Hi All,Two months ago, the young man who is renting one of the places wanted a pivot installed. He has worked very hard, the place irrigates like a nightmare and a pivot was long overdue. So, arrangements were made, bids taken and we proceeded with plans to have one put up. Just plain good business sense, all the way around for everyone concerned. Two weeks later, I received another completely separate bid from the well man who said that according to the plate on the well-head, the pump had the wrong bowls installed and that the well would not supply a sufficient volume of water or pressure to run a pivot, because it was designed to be an “open discharge” system; it only had a 2-stage system. Said he needed another $9K to pull the pump and install the proper bowls and also, that the well would need a bigger motor. This would be in addition to the cost of setting up the pivot, which by the way, they don’t give these things away. I told him that while I certainly agreed that the motor would have to be changed for a bigger one that I thought that the bowls were just fine, in my estimation, because I had replaced them in 1982 with a four-stage pressure Western Land Roller setup. And at that time, I had been told that the well had the capabilities to push a center pivot (In 1982, I just put this in the back of my mind, as good-lying land certainly would never be irrigated under a circle. Little did I know then how times would change!). The well man then proceeds to tell me that they didn’t even make the proper bowls back then, that he has been in this well drilling business for the past 20 years and that I was probably mistaken about the bowls which had been put down at that time. Tempers started to flare a little at this point, because I notice that the renter is thinking that this is probably what needs to be done, too. I told the well driller that I definitely knew that the well had the proper bowls and furthermore, that they had been pumping water for more years than he had been in business, even if it had only been used as an open discharge system. He tells me that I just don’t know what I’m talking about and it will take the additional $9K to get the well ready for pivot operation. By this time, all three of us are madder than a bunch of Banti Roosters in Mexico on a Saturday night. Anyway, I finally talked him into mounting a used, bigger motor on the well to at least test flow the damned thing. Seemed more logical to me. This was two months ago. Yesterday, he calls and said that he had completed the testing of the well. He tells me that in all his years of being in this business, he had never seen this before. The well did indeed have enough pressure and volume to feed a pivot. Further, he would trade me the used test motor for an additional $800; forget the $9K. Fine; get the damned thing put up. I know I’m probably the most bull-headed and contrary cuss walking upright, but I think I have met my match. We’ve wasted 2 months, it is coming into winter and the thing is still not installed. Still, just a little peeved. Allan