There's no brake interlock, but the FWD/REV shifter on the left side must be in neutral, the PTO control must be in the middle (off) position, and the clutch must be depressed. Left on the key is preheat, right is start. Shouldn't need preheat down to zero degrees F. If it still won't start, one of the safety interlock switches probably isn't working. Very common problem. I got tired of fiddling with 'em and bypassed them all, but I can't recommend this behavior. All it would take is one moment of stupidity... If nothing else works, there's a little secret on your Kubota.. if you touch a piece of wire from the hot (battery) terminal on the starter to the starter solenoid connection a few inches away, the tractor will start right up, without key and regardless of interlock status. So much for theft proof! Make darned sure it's out of gear first, or you'll be run over instantly, since you'll be kneeling right beside the tractor when it starts. Be careful.