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sears diehard batteries the best?

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12-12-2003 08:59:33

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I have an old pickup that is sometimes hard to start. I replaced the battery about two years ago with a carquest. It died and wouldn't hold a charge so i took one out my tractor to use temporarily. The battery from the tractor is at least 6 years old, a sears diehard. But it works perfectly, even when the truck is hard to start in the colder weather. When i get my new battery should i get another diehard, or did i just get lucky with that one?

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12-13-2003 07:37:34

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
The Factory Delco in the 86 pickup just died last month, how's that? No battery can withstand over charging, under charging, deep cycling, deep discharges, high temps, water other than distilled or vibration. Purchase the largest battery that is vibration resistant into the battery compartment. Equipment with generators need the regulator checked with a voltmeter and set to 14.2V winter and 13.8V summer. Most of the under charging problems with generators and the farmer fixes with bailing wire, sparks, head scratching with alternators being tinkered on. Are the lack of proper setting up.

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12-13-2003 04:58:33

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
I remember going to Sears with my dad when they had still had oil soaked wood floors where you got your motor oil in a container that you brought with you. If you bought the less expensive battery, the warrenty was for 12 months. The best one they had was 18 months. Some years ago, I talked to a service station owner who was known for being on call 24/7 for going out to jump start dead batteries (mainly in the winter). He told me that 85% of the jumps were done on DieHards. He loved them because they were great for his business. I have used alot of different batteries over the years, and don`t really find much difference.


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Howard Yoshida

12-12-2003 20:41:35

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
Aloha, I wouldn't call it diehard because it dies easily like other brands. I buy the diehard gold with the 3 year warranty because they will replace it up to 3 years with no pro-rating.Sears is open every day of the week into the evening so if I need a battery, there is no problem.


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12-12-2003 20:06:23

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
I bought a new GMC 910, (6 cyl/230 CID, 37 amps alternator) back in 1964. The dealer replaced the battery(Delco) after only one month. Believe it or not, the second 43 amps Delco battery has been used in the truck during 18 years; i saw that only one time in my life. I used Die Hard 27F in my 1976 Mercury, 460 CID engine. They were good batteries, the best one reached about 10-12 years. Rlach

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Dean Barker

12-12-2003 18:17:47

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
I used to buy diehards and had good service from them, but all the mail order places closed and Sears is too far away. I always buy the biggest battery that will fit, seems to work the best. I now buy Delco, Excide, or Interstate and have good luck with all of them; six to 10 years. I bought a used 4320 with no name batteries; I've had the tractor 6 years now, who knows how old they are.

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Bus Driver

12-12-2003 16:25:12

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
Near here Johnson Controls and Douglas Battery have manufacturing plants. Johnson used to make Diehards, but not necessarily for the whole of the USA. All the house brands have manufacturers bid for their business. Probably someone else makes the Diehard now. Regional dealer called North State Battery gets my business. Good prices. Bobcat failed to start, checked purchase date on the battery, 10 years 2 months ago. My best experience yet. Comment: In the 1940's and 1950's, most batteries had 2 year prorated warranty. Any owner whose battery lasted more than 2 months beyond the warranty had something big to brag about! Getting 6 to 8 years is not unusual now. On a dollars per-month-of-service basis, batteries cost less now than in 1950. Count your blessings- all the batteries are much better than before.

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Catskill Pete

12-12-2003 14:03:33

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
I've come to the conclusion that brand loyalty doesn't mean much anymore. That good Interstate,sears,napa,etc. that was in my tractor/car and lasted 6 years. Is now made by a different company under contract to the brand name, and may or may not be any good at all.

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12-12-2003 13:25:43

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
Yellow battery,s at Wal-Mart are the best I,ve seen.

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12-12-2003 17:30:50

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 Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Farmaller, 12-12-2003 13:25:43  
I don't know what's happened where your at, but up here (North Dakota), the label on yellow WallyWorld batteries stated "Made by Johnson Controls", up to maybe six months ago. Now the label states "Exide". The Johnson-made WallyWorld batteries seemed very good, don't know yet about the Exides.

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12-12-2003 13:21:35

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
I buy all mine at WalMart. Went to the movies and left my headlites on through the whole movie, came out and it started right up. Why nobody called to tell somebody their headlites are on I dont know.

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12-12-2003 12:51:08

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
I use Deka in all my vehicles and tractors and think they are the best I have ever tried. I tried Sears several years ago and was disatisfied.

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12-12-2003 21:41:38

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 Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Farmall_Nut, 12-12-2003 12:51:08  
I agree, the East Penn/Deka are good for me. They are sold under the Carquest and Mills Fleet Farm and other labels here in Minnesota.
Usually get 10 years out of them with proper care and feeding.

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12-12-2003 12:50:00

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
Sometimes you just get a good one. I have no brand loyality when it comes to batteries, always buy whats on sale at the time. I look at cranking amps. Best battery I ever had didn't have a name on it anywhere, after 10 years I replaced it just because I didn't trust it anymore but it was still starting the vehicle good.

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12-12-2003 12:01:50

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
It has been a few years, but I use to be in the battery business. There are only 3 major battery manufactures in the US. Delco, Exide and I forgot the third (Exide is the largest). They just re-label for who they are selling to, like die-hard, interstate, trojan, shucks, napa.....etc. For example, we use to buy pallets of factory seconds from Exide and would get a mix of die-hards, interstate, shucks and others. A few simple guidelines when buying a battery. Heavyer is better and always check the "born on sticker"

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12-12-2003 12:45:36

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 Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to batteryman, 12-12-2003 12:01:50  
As someone below said, Johnson Controls is the other company. One thing to keep in mind is that maintenance-free (completely sealed) batteries are less tolerant of being run down completely (left lights on etc, one full discharge and your battery can be shot) than the low-maintenance type where you can pry off the tops and add water.

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12-12-2003 11:15:22

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
sears die-hard is definatly NOT what they used to be. like some of the others said, sears is heading downhill fast with hidden charges and poor products. i use interstate brand available at my local auto parts store. much cheaper and much closer than sears.

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Red Dave

12-12-2003 10:51:08

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
The last diehard I had lasted about 2 years in every day, normal use. It would not hold it's charge overnight. Sears wouldn't even give a pro-rated warranty on it.

I won't buy another.

I have had good luck with the last few Deka's I bought, one 6 volt is 9 years old and still working. I don't know if they are a regional or national brand.

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12-12-2003 10:32:51

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
Diehards have always performed well which is more than I can say for a number of the other batteries.

I think Exide makes them to Sears specs which could be why they perform better than the std Exide.

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Ben in KY

12-12-2003 10:11:40

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
I use either diehard or Wal Mart batteries. They both perform well. The diehards maybe a bit better, but not sure if it is worth the price difference.

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Davis in SC

12-12-2003 09:11:28

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 Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Josh, 12-12-2003 08:59:33  
I have had great luck using Trojan Batteries. They are commercial-duty, & usually priced less than Diehards are. They last longer than any other brand I have tried.

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12-12-2003 13:13:31

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 Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Davis in SC, 12-12-2003 09:11:28  

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Frank (n.mi.)

12-12-2003 14:14:20

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 Re: Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to FRANK, 12-12-2003 13:13:31  
Frank, how often or when do you do this? Is it a once a year deal?

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Sundance N.J.

12-12-2003 13:18:30

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 Re: Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to FRANK, 12-12-2003 13:13:31  
Hey Frank! Do you also hold on to a loaded condenser.....

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Miss Grundy

12-12-2003 12:04:15

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 Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Davis in SC, 12-12-2003 09:11:28  
Several of my friends have had a lot of failures with Trojans. One now is suffering terrible consequences.

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12-12-2003 18:44:47

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 Re: Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Miss Grundy, 12-12-2003 12:04:15  
Not sure about the voltage or the warranty, but I would suggest that they go with Sheik..... ..

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12-12-2003 09:25:26

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 Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Davis in SC, 12-12-2003 09:11:28  
Myself, I've used several different brands including Diehard and I haven't noticed a nickels worth of difference in any of them.

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12-12-2003 10:59:23

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 Re: Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to Dana, 12-12-2003 09:25:26  
Sears has gotten fat & lazy, now that they have a
following for their popular batteries. I recall
reading that the manufacturer(Johnson?) was also
offering 'about' identical batteries to other auto
supply vendors. Sears now has these built-in charges, when your battery fails, which were not
assessed a few years ago. Free installation is history, plus testing your pro-rated dead battery,
(dead is not dead, without a service charge:dead).
Not much advantage, with weaker warrantees. You
can carry a battery out of many stores, with a
similar replacement policy, for less than Sears.
I have an 8 year old Motorcraft, check the water,
start about six times a day, replaced the starter.
Ran several Diehards, 10-20 years ago. They don't
welcome my business, with back-charges.

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Jim in N M

12-12-2003 13:40:02

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: sears diehard batteries the best? in reply to fasting, 12-12-2003 10:59:23  
I've been buying my batteries from a battery rebuilding Co. Good long term warranty and for half the price, I buy them for my tractors,trucks,cars,and boat. Try it you'll like it-----My.02cents worth---jim in N M

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