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Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act

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Ol Chief

02-08-2004 16:29:12

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Now we have more government meddeling and further erosion of freedom to decide what is best for ourselves.I assume that many of us use vitamins minerals or other health suppliments in an effort to remain out of the clutches of the medical establishment as long as possible.I have just found out that the med.profession and the pharmaceutical mfg. lobby has been successful in having an attachment tied on to the New Patriot Act which will outlaw the sale or use of vitamins and other health suppliments.If this results in having a prescription to obtain vitamins it will certainly ring the doctors cash register and will surely limit your or our choice of selection.I have sent written protests to every one of my elected senators and congressmen.If interested you can get more information at www.doctor yourself.com

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02-09-2004 22:51:55

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
If the Patriot act is not renewed by the legislature, it will expire in the year 2005. good luck

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Ol Chief

02-09-2004 19:25:23

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
Wow! This has really been a wallbanger.Ithought most real Americans were dead.Now seem to have found a whole bunch right here on TY.Does anyone here know of a webbsite with this much interest in our country.If so please let me know.If not can some one find out how to start one. At least we could keep our political museing off of this forum and appease the forum police.Thanx.Ol Chief

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Paul in Mich

02-10-2004 09:50:33

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 Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Harrison, 02-09-2004 18:03:50  
I attended a meeting of Michigan Sugar beet growers addressing the issue of sugar imports. Sugar is the #3 cash crop in the state and is important to its overall economy. While free trade is good for America, what is not good is importing comodities we dont even need. The U.S. government plans to import 3 times as much sugar as it produces, which far exceeds our consumption. It is one thing to import, but it is another thing for the government to undermine its own industries. The government should get out of the business of business. We can compete with competition, its governments that farmers, industry, and businessmen have a hard time competing with whether its our own or foreign governments.

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02-09-2004 18:15:46

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 Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Harrison, 02-09-2004 18:03:50  
Post was meant to go under RAY/IND

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Male Gayle

02-09-2004 11:15:29

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
BTW, if you want to know about Kerry's service in Vietnam and his antiwar activities, go to www.usvetdsp.com/jf_kerry.htm

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02-09-2004 12:38:27

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 Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Male Gayle, 02-09-2004 11:15:29  
Bush was awol for about 1 year of his duty defending texas during vietnam. Anyone else would have been sent to Vietnam over this.

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Male Gayle

02-09-2004 15:12:02

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 Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot in reply to Truth, 02-09-2004 12:38:27  
Another urban myth. Bush asked for and received permission to transfer to the Alabama National Guard. He worked on a campaign there. He asked for and received permission to miss meetings in the summer and fall which he made up on an extended 36 day active stint later in the fall. He asked for and received persmission for an early out to attend Harvard Business School. He received an honorable discharge. Kerry spent about 3 months in 'Nam and received a transfer to stateside as an aide to an admiral. Requested and received permission to receive an one year early out. He came back and became an anit-war radical. His activities after he came back crapped all over his medals he got in 'Nam.

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02-09-2004 18:13:43

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patr in reply to Male Gayle, 02-09-2004 15:12:02  
Why is his whole militray record not available/missing ? hmmm.... The military is usually sticklers for details. Bush just admitted that some are missing.

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Jared in VT

02-10-2004 07:54:56

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of in reply to Truth, 02-09-2004 18:13:43  
Hey Truth, The U.S. Army that I was in were certainly sticklers for detail, but not for record keeping. The best trick was the "lost shot record" Ask the guys that were in for a few years how common it was to pack up for deploment only to take one more detour through the shot line. Did you ever get Small Pox, Yellow Fever and a Flu Shot all on the same day!? Makes getting shot at feel like a cool summer breeze. They should automatically award the Purple Heart for that treatment. But hey, they'd lose the paper work and presto, you'd be back in the shot line! This lost record stuff is old news. This battle was fought druing the pervious campaign. This issue, like some old dogs, does not know when to lie down. Take it easy, Jared

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Male Gayle

02-09-2004 10:47:28

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
Right on, Stretch! The Patriot Act is merely the same legal procedures used in investigating big time drug dealers and organized crime, applied to terrorists. There is no wholesale ursurpation of our rights. Any investigation of libraries, etc must be done via warrant issued by a judge and only for a specific person. There's an awfully lot of BS about the Patriot Act out there. Don't fall for it! BTW, Kerry came back from Vietnam and joined the Winter Soldiers organization whose big bankroller was Hanoi Jane Fonda. He gave testimony at a congressional hearing that our soldiers, Marines, airmen, and sailors, on a daily basis, raped women, shot civilians for fun, cut off ears of dead enemy, and killed children,etc. By saying this he "dissed" every Vietnam veteran who served this country. He threw someone else's medals over the White House wall. He associated with the worst of Vietnam "protesters". If you vote for him, expect the worst president, ever.

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Dave 2N

02-09-2004 10:10:27

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
Check out Jared's reply below; he's on the money.

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texas jack

02-09-2004 06:06:14

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
Those who give up freedom for security, soon will have neither. You have to keep yourself free. Speak out now.

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02-08-2004 19:50:52

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
Why is it that NAFTA is great when American jobs leave the country, but when we want to buy Canadian perscription drugs big business doesn't want to allow NAFTA to work? The patriot act is a huge intrusion of our privacy and big brother is not about to let it lapse once started. I hope it doesn't get out of hand and prevent me from driving my tractor to the drug store.(Now-this thread is about tractors for the forum police)

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Paul in Mich

02-10-2004 09:24:46

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 Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ray,IN, 02-08-2004 19:50:52  
Ray, The government doesnt really care where you buy your meds. What concerns them is what is going on right now in that companies in Canada and Mexico are selling fake drugs. This includes birth control, Viagra and other drugs which are either life saving or life threatening depending on their ligitimacy or dosage. If Rush Limbaugh had gone to Canada for his meds, I'm sure there would be an uproar over his ability to circumvent the system in one more way. I think it stinks that we Americans pay the high cost of prescriptions and absorb the cost of R&D, but you can be sure that nobody in Canada is worring as to whether what you are getting there is genuine or counterfeit. That is the issue, and if you get stung, you have not recourse. What we need to do is work within our system to make it better. It already is the best, but it can be much better.

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Alberta Mike

02-08-2004 18:05:59

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
Maybe not right along with your post but I listened to a radio program last week where some fella was being interviewed (phone in show) about his book which he had written on the "conspiracy" within the medical and pharmaceutical professions. The author was an American and seemed pretty well versed on what was happening (maybe they all do). Anyways, his feelings were that it is the ultimate long-range goal of the medical and pharmaceutical professions to have ALL HEALTHY PEOPLE taking some form of daily medication or pills by the year 2020 or thereabouts. Obviously, this means those of us who are lucky enough to be in good health taking a daily diet of some form of medication. I can believe it, I'm sure there are a TON of people in that boat right now. Interesting !!!

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02-08-2004 17:50:37

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
And did you know that some of the pharmacuetical companies are owned by the health insurance providers? Talk about a conflict of interest!

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02-09-2004 18:10:42

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 Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to rustyfarmall, 02-08-2004 17:50:37  
Just curious, could you name one? As a pharmacist , i'm not aware of any major ones, All the major oned i am aware of are owned by share holders, traded on the stock exchanges.

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Jared in VT

02-08-2004 17:26:01

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
Ol Chief, Out of respect for your health concerns; you may discover that stress from perceptions over issues that have yet to play themselves out upon the stage of state, will drive you to the grave far quicker than the realities. Many who wave their right hand and claim loudly to desire to protect us from this perceived Patriot Act pestilence, are busily robbing other protections with their left. A wise man such as yourself would do well to actually read this Patriot Act document and see that the hand that serves can also protect.
Take care, Jared

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02-09-2004 02:44:47

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 Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Jared in VT, 02-08-2004 17:26:01  
VERY well said, Jared. All these people who are wringing their hands over all the loss of liberty and what a horrible person John Ashcroft is can't point to one single instance where their liberty and activity has been affected even in the least.

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02-09-2004 17:06:39

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 Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot in reply to Les...fortunate, 02-09-2004 02:44:47  
Does anyone know that after 9/11 140,000 workers in the transportation and security industry were denied to be in their unions because it was deemed a "security risk". How could that possibly be a security risk? Does anyone realize that in the turmoil immediately following 9/11 the best way the authorities could control who should access the crash site was by using union membership cards? Everyone wants to be treated fairly but no one seems to remember the sweat shops of the 20's and 30's. Do you realize by just typing the numerals 9/11 on this site I can be watched according to the patriot act? These are some freedoms I know are lost.

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Paul in Mich

02-10-2004 09:12:53

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patr in reply to Tom, 02-09-2004 17:06:39  
Tom, Most of us realize that while unions have their place, that they dont belong everywhere. If that were not true, then why not unionize the military. Then we could wittness our first strike on the battlefield. Wouldnt that be fun? That is the same reason unions have no place positions relating to national security. Nurses in most states are not allowed to unionize for the same obvious reasons. But then maybe you are someone who wouldnt mind a walkout in the middle of brain surgery, or more realistically wer out on strike in time of major disaster. Airline crashes do happen, you know.

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02-09-2004 16:48:29

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 Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot in reply to Les...fortunate, 02-09-2004 02:44:47  
My liberty and activity is affected every time I fly,drive,or walk around.Previous to 911 I did not stand in line in the airport for 2 hours to have myself and luggage probed,searched and rumpled,sometimes 3 times on connecting flights. Not to mention the security fees tacked on to my ticket.In my case with international travel, about $100 per ticket.Since this is happening in the US,most foreign countries are reciprocating with higher Visa and entrance fees,photographing and finger printing are now the norm.I wasn't clandestinely photographed 200 times a day while in any large city. Nor did I have to show photo ID at the bank every time I make a transaction.I don't think your or my local public officials were scrambling to meet Federal security mandates with little or no money to pay for them in already tight economic times. Now taxes and fees are being raised to pay for all this nonsense. The whole thing is a great farce to give the general media watching public a warm fuzzy feeling while billions of our tax dollars are being frittered away. There was more than adequate security in this country before 911,with the CIA,FBI,NSA and a myriad of other Federal agencies that was not utilized to the best interest of the public who are now, and forever will be footing an ever larger bill for buracratic ineptitude .

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Jared in VT

02-10-2004 08:22:38

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patr in reply to Mark, 02-09-2004 16:48:29  
Mark, Sorry for the inconvienent intrutions, but that is exactly why the misguided fools flew those planes to distruction on Sept 11. The Tango's beleive that if they scare and distract and disrupt our America way to a suffuciant degree (threshold of pain?) that they can easily manipulate us through apeasement of their further demands. I'm surprized that as an international traveler you don't recognize the deference between a throughal security check for your safety and wall to wall security services toting MP-5's conducting strip searches because their bored. Certainly our troops redeploying to their family's and homes will be happy to flash their I.D. rather than their primary weapon. Hopefully we have learned that many take us for fat patsy's because we play the role so well. Only through our nations combined, firm resolution to project strength, security and freedom, will we drive this demon back to it's den. As you travel, perhaps you can purge your frustration in a construtive fashion; pray for a soldier. I wish you well, Jared

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Just wait

02-09-2004 08:50:28

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 Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot in reply to Les...fortunate, 02-09-2004 02:44:47  
Yes and federal income tax started at a 1 percent rate with 1 percent of the people paying anything. There was discussion of limiting it to 3 percent, but that failed because congress could not imagine it ever going over 3 percent.

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02-08-2004 16:38:38

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 Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to Ol Chief, 02-08-2004 16:29:12  
How in the world does this classify as tractor talk

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02-09-2004 22:38:28

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 Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot in reply to Stretch, 02-08-2004 22:25:27  
What a wonderful post! I think that was one of the most thoughtful, and fair, statement on one of these sites.
good luck

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Joe Evans

02-09-2004 10:47:15

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 Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot in reply to Stretch, 02-08-2004 22:25:27  
Extraordinarily well done! Kudos to you, sir.

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Well said

02-09-2004 02:28:41

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 Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot in reply to Stretch, 02-08-2004 22:25:27  
Right on brother.

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02-08-2004 19:47:43

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 Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to r4etired, 02-08-2004 16:38:38  
how can this be tractor talk ya ask? It's because the gov. comes before our tractors. Do you peolple remeber that bush is in office because of the horse"""" in florida. This country is now in the biggest deficit ever just so he could try to avenge his old man.The patriot act is against our rights and I hope the right vote comes out this nov. so that goerge can go back to his oil fields and collect his millions there.

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gene b

02-08-2004 18:07:11

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 Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to r4etired, 02-08-2004 16:38:38  
Cant see thats why he takes vitamins and get on the wrong subject for this tractor site.

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paul in Mich

02-10-2004 22:09:57

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 Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot in reply to gene b, 02-08-2004 18:07:11  
Gene, Two reasons. #1 because he wants to. #2 because he can.

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02-08-2004 16:55:11

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 Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patriot Act in reply to r4etired, 02-08-2004 16:38:38  
When he put "way off topic" you had the option to pass it up and not try to read tractors into it.

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Paul in Mich

02-10-2004 14:06:54

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Way O.T Pending extention of Patr in reply to Ol Chief, 02-09-2004 18:47:09  
Chief, I do think you were missunderstood in your initial post. If you read some of my many comments, I think you'll find that I have the same concern about an otherwise good bill being cluttered with pork. One has to believe that the line item veto is a good thing since most of our legislators are against it.Hmmmmm m, I wonder why.

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