Paul in Mich
03-11-2004 14:52:39
Re: Re: I think I was almost phone scammed tonite in reply to Davis In SC, 03-11-2004 09:22:00
Dave, I don't have any particular beef with United Way, but I do have a problem with them and the company I worked for (Dade County Fla) getting their heads together and guaranteeing 100% employee participation without asking me first. This they did, and my boss had me on the carpet asking why I hadnt filled out my contribution slip. He explained to me that even if I pledged $1.00 per pay period that it would amount to 100% participation, and that without my pledge, that they were short of their committment. Thats when I jumped up and told him in no uncertain terms that he had every right to pledge as much of his own money as he wanted, but that he had no right to pledge a penny of mine. I didn't back down then even though it could have probably cost me my job, but for principal I was never about to budge. I would do the same today. I have no problem with any charity asking me for donations, but I don't mind telling them when I say no, I mean no. Less than a month ago, I had someone from the next county phone me asking for donations for the sherrif's auxillary fund or something like that. When I said no, he came back by asking me if I thought it important to support my communiity. I told him I didn't live in that community, in fact I didnt live in the same county, he so much as called me a liar because of my phone exchange. Thats when I let him know what an ignorant, arrogant moron I thought he was. Truth is I dont even live in that county, even tho my phone exchange and mailing address is in that county. Bottom line is that I didn't appreciate his arrogant attitude and since he didn't mind ruining my day, I felt no obligation to salvage his. These phone jerks wonder why congress passed the do not call legislation.