Paul in Mich
03-20-2004 21:13:28
Re: Gray's tractor Georgetown Ohio in reply to Todd L, 03-20-2004 10:13:06
Gee Guys, you have made me feel much better. About a month ago, Gray's had a Farmall 100 advertised for $1,800 which I thought worthy of looking into. I phoned them, long distance, got someone on the phone and as soon as I told them I was inquiring about the tractor, they hung up. Thinking at first that we may have been accidently cut off, I phoned them, long distance again, and as soon as I told them that I thought we had gotten cut off, they hung up again. Always being one to give someone the benefit of the doubt, I then E.Mailed them explaining that I was interested in the 100, and that I had tried twice, unsuccessfully, to contact them by phone, and would they E.mail me and let me know if the tractor was still available, and if so, could we make some arrangements for me to come down to Ohio to look at it. The E.Mail never got answered. I just figured that they probably sold the tractor or had so many inquiries that they were tired of answering the same questions. It did tick me off, tho, because whatever the reason, I didn't feel that I deserved to be treated rudely, which by that time, I thought was the case. The more I thought, the more I decided that if they were that rude to begin with, heaven knows how rude they would be if there were a problem, so I washed my hands of the whole thing. I guess they did me a favor, because If I'm going to spend my hard earned cash for something, I expect common courtesy even if the item is "as is where is".