My first choice yrs. ago would be a Lab. Be prepared as they are pups for about 2 yrs. Other choice would be a Blue Heeler. Since I live in the South a long hair dog is out for me. Around our house we raise American Bulldogs exclusively (not pit bull terriers). They are smart (learn quick), have fun personalities and are very athletic, remind me of a good looking AQHA horse. I prefer the red saddleback dogs with with a white chest, blaze and 4 stocking feet. Not prone to any health problems that I am aware but they are prone to skin allergies while young. I have had these dogs around my kids, neighbors etc. and NEVER had a problem. I take them camping with my BSA troop, they love to swim with the boys. These dogs love to ride in a truck, sit in your lap, lay on your feet as mine is as I type and they also like to play hide and go seek. Their facial expressions are limitless and they always appear to be smiling. The dogs are excellent working dogs, very protective of their property and make outstanding guard dogs. The look more intimidating than they are, I do not crop the ears or tail. Others do just for looks. IMHO it is all how you raise and socialize the animal and that goes for any animal. Raise them with love and discipline and they will be good. Treated badly they will act badly or lash out from fear. Aggressive dogs are a product of their environments, not usually their genetics. The owner is 100% responsile for the behavior of their dog. That said my best recommendation is to take the dog to a basic obedience course and right from the get go assert yourself as the dominate force in that dogs life. It is much easier to correct inappropriate behavior and show the correct responses and behaviors to a young bulldog than to a 100 pounder, so start immediately. I was scared off of G.Shepherds as a boy and have never trusted them since.