Paul in Mich
04-21-2004 05:02:36
Re: Tractor pull gone bad! in reply to Tara Z, 04-19-2004 21:40:39
Taraz, After seeing all the comments, I still believe that the ones responsible for conducting a fair contest regardless of whether its tractor pulls or tiddly-winks are the people who put on the contest. It doesnt really matter what rules or standards you go by, but whatever they are, they are carried out to the end. If a pace tracter is used, then its use and pace is to be followed by everyone, no exceptions. Non compliance equals disqualification, PERIOD. YOu cant give one puller a pass and then enforce the rule on the next, It just wont work that way. In Baseball, each umpire has his own strike zone, but its the same for both teams. The worst thing an umpire can do is to make a bad call and then hope he can make up for it by making another bad call going the other way. If you are going to attract pullers, you have to have a set of rules, and stick to them yourselves. If you dont, then your event has no credibility and pullers just wont attend, because they wont compete in a corrupt event. You should always require weigh ins on every tractor in every class, and require weigh outs for every trophy run. That is the first puller in a class always gets weighed out, and every one who beats his distance gets weighed out. if you are handing out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards, then the three longest distances get weighed out. Not after everyone has pulled, but immediately after his pull. This may mean many more weigh outs than three, as the pull progresses, but it prevents alterations to the tractor after the pull. You cant expect any puller not to take full advantage of the rules. They can and they will. Its your responsibility, the event managers and officials, to make sure they dont go beyond the rules. If you enforce the rules, the pullers will follow them. If they dont, then you have no obligation to award them, and every obligation to disqualify them, even if its your brother or son. Thats how you get quality pulls. There are no short cuts. Dont let the pullers run the pull, and if they go away whining, then so be it. At least they know you put on an honest event.