Two weeks ago this 9N (serial number 38995) sold at auction for $1750. It ran and had a lot of original parts, including the smooth rear hubs you see in the picture. It also had an aux tranny which I believe was a Sherman step up (handle on the left side). Your aux tranny sounds like a Hupp. At least that's the one I'm aware of with a handle on the right side. The three positions you are feeling are probably overdrive, neutral, and regular. Being a non-runner, it's hard to evaluate the condition of things like the trans, hydraulics, pto, etc. That knocks down the resale value to about $1000 or maybe less due to the uncertainty. If you can get it running and if all the other systems check out, then you may be looking at $1700 to $2200 depending. That early of a 9N could have some very desireable hard to find parts like smooth rear hubs, aluminum dash, aluminum trans cover with dipstick, small diameter generator, double rib fenders, etc. These parts are only more desireable to the restorer/collector. Someone looking just for a small work tractor won't care about the originality of those rare parts. I hope that gives you some feel for what you're looking at.