Oh. I see. For your last issue - neutral doesn't count. Your rear axle is not engaged, so live/ not live does not matter. This is only an issue when the tractor is in a gear. On a transmission or non-live pto there is only one clutch to do 2 jobs, so _when_ you are in gear _and_ you are using the pto, any use of the clutch will stop _both_ actions. If either your tranny or the pto lever is in neutral, then it is no longer a part of the system & will not be affected. but if _both_ pto & tranny are in a gear, then they are pysically locked together & when one is turning, both are. If one is standing still, they both are standing still. But this only applies if you have both the pto lever & the gearshift lever _in gear_. The over-running coupler feature of a live pto only shows up when you _use_ the pto clutch, push it in. At that point, the tractor axle & the pto shaft are no longer connected to each other, and can be doing different things. You are able to keep one in gear & active, while putting the other in or out of gear, or stopping it from turning. In your case, you get to the hill, leave everything in gear, and cut the throttle back. The mower continues to drive your tractor, because you have not released the pto clutch. Your add-on over-running clutch will kick in in this case. Kind of an odd quirk in the way you are using this. I understand it, but boy that really doesn't come up for 99% of the people. Sounds like your hill is an accident waitting to happen.
Live pto means there are 2 clutches on your tractor, one for the transmission, one for the pto. Non-live or transmission pto means you have only one clutch for both operations. You are using your over running coupler as a ratchet for rapid engine deacceleration with no clutch use at all, which is kind of an odd situation that doesn't come up too often. Well, actually people use them that way for the newer hyd braking ptos which try to stop the pto too fast & break on a heavy load. Same idea. --->Paul