The bales get baled in the baler. They come out of the baler and go into the flat 8 sledge. When the sledge has 8 bales in it it releases them, so you end up with groups of 8 bales all over the field (there are regular, but i wont describe exactly how a flat 8 sledge works!) Then, a flat 8 grab goes onto the loader of a tractor. Its basically a large metal frame the same size as the flat8 sledge, with loads of big spikes in it that are mounted to a hydraulic ram. You drop the flat 8 grab over a group of 8 bales, pull a lever which makes the ram move, and drives the spikes into the bales. You can then lift the 8 bales. Then, some people either put them onto a trailer, or put them into stacks of 8 8s, which can then be picked up by a bale transporter thing (which is also automatic using Rams) on the back of another tractor (the name slips my memory), driven back to the farm or whatever. They are then dumped there, and can be put up into the barn by the flat 8.