Paul in Mich
05-03-2004 17:55:24
Re: Boycott SHELL and buy AMERICAN in reply to Outsourced, 05-03-2004 12:23:53
Outsourced, You and everyone who has responded has missed a very essential point here, and that by working for Shell Oil Co.,that you are an "insourced" job. Shell oil Co. is a Dutch company, not American. Therefore, if you areaemployed by Shell, you have benefited from the same set of circumstances to which you now ask everyone to boycott. Its easy to focus on the jobs that get outsourced overseas, but statistically, we insource more jobs than we outsource. When you consider all the foreign companies who have manufacturing facilities here in the U.S., such as Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen, Shell oil, BP (British Petroleum) ABB, numerous electronics companies, etc., we import a lot of jobs here in the U.S. As for taxation, corporations, in essence, don't pay taxes anyway, so why levy them on corporations in the first place. The end user, (customer) always pays corporate taxes. There are no exceptions to this. The taxes levied on corporations are simply passed on to the consumer just the same as any other cost of doing business. I'm sorry you are losing your job, but boycotting Shell isnt going to improve matters. There are three things aside from demand that determines whether your job is needed. 1: CAn you make it better. 2: Can you make it (deliver) faster. 3: Can you make it cheaper. If you can't answer yes to all three of these questions, then its a matter of time until your job will be going elsewhere. No company exists for the purpose of providing anyone a job. They exist to provide investors a positive return on their money. Your job is only relevent to that end. My job is no different. No job or skill is immune to its demise, whether by obsolesence or by being outsourced. We must always be ready and willing to reinvent ourselves, lest we be left in the dust. The majority of jobs that existed 40 years ago do not even exist today. Telephone operators, for example are a thing of the past. Office stenos and typists have been replaced by computer specialists. I can go on and on, but the bottom line is that we live in a world today where goods can be made half way around the globe and be delivered to the customer in less than 48 hours. We do the same. It isnt all one way, its a global economy, and we're part of it.