John A
05-18-2004 20:13:25
Re: Re: Re: Biggest engine you've ever heard of in reply to gene b, 05-17-2004 21:18:08
Gene, Dad was John A. Smith, SR. He was part of Exterier Electric Shop .....Civil Service. Dad was one of two men, in the Shop, that had FBI clearences to fix whatever broke, or got torn-up by the GIs, and such. Dad retired in 79. I saw them run in Dec of 77,78,79. Time of the now defunkt Christmas party, The Elec. Shop's, Steak and all the trimmings were legondary. To my knowledge there weren't any more, than two generator units like that at Ft Hood, I could be wrong though. I will freely admit that I have slept since then! There was a cat walk about 3/4 of the way up on the engines. Where a person could stand and open up an inspection cover and watch the rocker arms move while the engine was running. They were ever bit as long as a baseball bat, the thicknes is what I can't remember much about. I recall the stems of the valves were 1&1/2 to 2 in diameter. OBTW.....Gray base is in transition now, They are about to Co-hab with Killeen Airport. The new treminal is almost finished. Thats right Killeen will be a regional airpirt, with real jets! not the puddle jumper turboprops. I will never have to go back to Austin-Bergstrom International again. Killeen is only 25 minutes from me, Oh Thank Heaven! Hope ya'll enjoyed the little history tid-bit Later, John A.