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MAD as h ell

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05-21-2004 06:31:19

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I get mad as hell when I pull up to the pump to buy gas, Gas boycott was a flop, and they are laughing at us as they put it to us.

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big pimp

12-02-2005 05:32:00

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
f u you ugly as

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Not much help, but

05-24-2004 01:38:52

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
maybe a boycot of one company's stations like Shell or BP or Exon for days, weeks or months would get the message across. Oh, well, who has time to carry a sign?

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05-22-2004 16:39:47

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Back the truck up boys!

In 1955 I could buy a gallon of gas for .259 (25.9 cents per gallon) and a hamburger for .15.

Today, that hamburger is $2.50. Gas at that ratio would be (hang on to your skivvies) $4.25 per gallon.

Geez it's quiet!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!!

Just calling a spade a spade.


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seli g

05-22-2004 18:03:40

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to txblu, 05-22-2004 16:39:47  
I have posted basically the same information you have stated but for sone reason some people don't agree. I don't like paying close to $2.00 a gallon for gas no more then paying 50 or 60 cents for a candy bar that used to cost 5 cents.

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05-24-2004 05:43:37

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 Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to seli g, 05-22-2004 18:03:40  
Big 10-4 on that.

They just want a place to rant and this is it. The problem is that we (they) aren't used to fuel being this high as it has pretty much remained constant in price while everything else has gone up. Had it kept pace I doubt that anyone would have said anything.

What they may have overlooked is the fact that the contents of that $2.50 hamburger CAME FROM THE FARM. (They'll come back with.....well the farmer didn't get any....and on and on.)


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05-22-2004 00:35:22

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
interesting points made on this thread. However, Why do we use Semi trucks so much and rip out train tracks? Or have train right of ways in such shape that the trains can only go 20 mph on them?

Part of the reason for that is you can get fresh strawberries to Toronto from California in 3 days on a truck.

Supply and demand is working. The result you see is what happens when the tree huggers and Greenpeace Groupies keep us from building refineries or going after what oil we have under our control. It is also working on the world scale as China's purchases on the world market have increased 30% in the last 14 months and I doubt that once they get used to using, they will stop buying to let us buy it instead.

My power company will buy self generated power whether from solar panels or windmill. However, czarist government codes will not let me put up a windmill and I have a wonderful place for one. No one can put up such a thing if the neighbor, who is most likely a new move in from california, can see it. They just wouldn't be able to handle the strain.

And, In my little town of about 30,000 in the area, it seems like everyone who works downtown(south) lives in the north and the people who live in the south part work in the north. Last winter in the Phoenix valley they had a broken gas line. Then it was understood that this one city uses about 8 million gallons of gasoline a day!!! I alway marvel and wonder, "where are all these people going?".

I think the gas pumps should go back to the old style that you had to pump the gas up into the glass tank and then let it drain into your vehicle. That way, people would understand what 20 gallons is. I don't think 90% of the people have any idea what the volume is that passes through the fuel hose into their vehicles cause they never see it.

I think it's wonderful to live in a country where a 95 pound blonde can own and drive a 4 wheel drive, 4 door long bed with a 250 HP diesel on 32 inch tires and a lift kit, and on the weekends she and her husband can hook onto their 30 foot speedboat with two 454 chev outboards and 300 gallon fuel capacity and drive 300 miles to the lake and in two days burn off that 300 gallon of boat gas and then go home.

Just some thoughts.

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05-21-2004 17:11:35

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Let's not forget---Oil is a necessidy---everone needs it or uses it one way or another. If the price goes to $4.00 a gallon for gas, we will still buy it and gradually accept it. We are the most "adaptive" people in the world and the oil companies--auto manufacturers---and the government know this. The internal combustion engine was invented over one hundred years ago and no one has come up with anything better. Think about an invention that great and has lasted this long.

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05-21-2004 18:47:48

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to GG, 05-21-2004 17:11:35  
Refreshing breeze of sense. Called "inelasticity of demand". Look it up.

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Bob D. (La)

05-21-2004 16:32:25

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
The only way to have a successful boycot of gas or anything else for that matter is to permanently reduce or completely cut out using the product. If we're tired of the high gas prices, then we have to come up with permanent ways to reduce the amount we presently use. If every driver in the US used 10% less gas per week starting immediately, we might see a slight drop in prices, but I doubt if we can or are willing to even reduce our usage by 1 or 2%. JMHO Bob D. (La)

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05-21-2004 14:52:08

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Talk about mad--try conserving propane (successfully!) all winter by cutting and hauling wood to the basement. i get a bill for the difference between what i used and what i was *supposed* to use. in other words, a minimum purchase. where's the incentive to conserve there?
for this country, i think biodiesel is the way to go for fuel. i've read for less than $600 a vw rabbit can be converted to run on used french fry grease. a little soybean oil can go a long way.
is the government to blame for our not heading this direction--look into who holds the patents for the technology for most of the alternative fuel products. it might supprise you, but probably not.

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05-21-2004 14:28:41

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
WE and ORGANIZED LABOR should have backed the FARMERS and TRUCKERS in the early to mid 70's. Much too late now.

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05-21-2004 13:44:14

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Of the Gas boycott was a flop ,that was like getting people to not drink water for a day, anyone that would have needed gas on Wed. would have just bought on Tuesday !duh Besides gas dealers don't take delivery every day anyhow,The info of not buying gas for a day would screw up the gas companies didn't make sense anyway as not all gas dealers take delivery every day.It would take a wek of not buying gas to have any effect on prices or supply.What makes me mad is the fact that stations have raised prices 4 times and have not taken new deliveries of gas.

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05-21-2004 13:45:27

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to JD-Tractor, 05-21-2004 13:44:14  
That was supposed to be of course the gas boycott was a flop

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05-21-2004 13:18:23

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Yes, it makes me mad also, what am I going to do about it? I have already made the decision to NOT attend any tractor shows, swap meets or any other events that do not require me to be there. Yes, I will greatly miss going to these events, but if we are going to boycott the oil companies, it has to start at home, where it hurts the most.

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Mike M

05-21-2004 12:44:06

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Lets get ethanol plants up and running and stick it to OPEC. Plus that will help the farms stay in production and not end up a Wal-Mart parking lot.The distillers grain is still good for feed.
Lower emissions too and renewable. It sounds like a win win fuel to me. I don't know who's pushing these hydrogen cars and why.Waters allready scarce and everyone would be riding around ontop of cylinders compressed at 5000 psi. How would these every hold up to a crash ? Remember the Hindenburg ? Blam your car would blow up ! Lets not forget about soybean oil in diesels.
This should be easy to do if we get the government out of the way. Too bad we don't spend the money on at home sources that we do protecting the middle east oil. If we had our tax money that we all spent on the middle east over the years we could all have free fuel fillups of ethanol and soydiesel.

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05-21-2004 13:16:20

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Mike M, 05-21-2004 12:44:06  
You couldn't enough corn to substitute for oil, besides, ethanol attracts water and is detrimental to many rubber compounds. Do your home work, you need x number of btu's to move y amount of weight. Ethanol has significantly less btu value then gas and it would require a larger amount of ethanol to equal an equivilent of gas.

Besides, just who do you think you're helping? The small farmer? Wrong. Most mass corn producers today are huge agri-businesses no better or worse than big oil/gas companies.

You think hydrogen is explosive? Just what do you think is in your car now? Water? Think of the Pinto and the GM pickups. Blowing smoke in a fit of passion is ok to the uneducated but you obviously have a computer. Do some research.

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Mike M

05-21-2004 15:16:41

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 Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to bo, 05-21-2004 13:16:20  
I hate homework always did. Seems to me I have heard that Brazil uses fuel made from sugar cane
probabaly some form of ethanol or methanol. Ever here of E85. Cars are allready made and running around fine without disolving but that fuel is not widely found. I also seem to recall that on those GM pickups Dateline NBC rigged the crash test with detonators. They keep moving those pickup truck tanks all around,behind the seat,outside the frame,behind the rear axle,inside the frame can't make up thier minds I have had all types and never had any troubles except the inside the frame,can't get them to take gas right sometimes when mounting a dump bed. Hydrogen--- They are talking 5000 psi They banned split rims because of blowing up and these were only at 100 psi And another thing am I or anyone else for that matter more educated or better off because of computers ,I don't think so. I have some Amish living around me and sometimes I really wonder who is better off ,smarter,or what have you. I don't have an answer but I do admire there ability to stick with what they believe among all the temptations.

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05-21-2004 15:55:55

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Mike M, 05-21-2004 15:16:41  
If you hate homework then you're destined to be pushed around like a leaf on a tree. Get on your computer, draw up google and do some basic research so that you can draw intelligent conclusions or hate homework and shout in the darkness.

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Mike M

05-21-2004 20:15:04

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to bo, 05-21-2004 15:55:55  
I like darkness as it conserves natural resources. Oh and by the way you have not stated any facts and backed them up with references nor have I. Pretty much just opinions at the ole discussion board.

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05-22-2004 04:40:18

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Mike M, 05-21-2004 20:15:04  
Sure I have, all I didn't do is back them up with references. You and I both know that if you checked, my "facts" will check out well but that's homework. :-)

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Mike M

05-22-2004 16:48:09

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to bo, 05-22-2004 04:40:18  
Well BO you should of typed in E85 at google and you will find that ethanol is a renewable and viable fuel in use in the USA in small amounts and that Brazil has 3-4 million vehicles in use on ethanol. Somehow I don't think you have researched as thoroughly as you have claimed.

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05-22-2004 18:09:31

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Mike M, 05-22-2004 16:48:09  
No dispute in Brazil but the facts still stand,,takes more ethanol to equal the btu value of gas, corn is huge business no better or worse than gas business, 3-4 million cars is chump change compared to 150 million or so in this country. Sure it's renewable but running strictly on ethanol...totally impractical and just how much do you think it'll cost when that business is an oligopoly as is the oil industry?

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05-21-2004 10:39:49

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Well Rick,,didja reconsider?

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nebraska cowman

05-21-2004 10:32:02

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
why are you mad? Gas at $2 is cheaper than it was 30 years ago at 37 cents

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05-21-2004 10:03:07

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Only boycott that would work is to pull up to the pump less often - not just skip a day but buy the same amount for the week.


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Lets go

05-21-2004 12:23:41

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to paul, 05-21-2004 10:03:07  
the only thing that will take notice is to stay out of your job,do not buy a thing,do not support china by buying at wal mart and after 2 weeks if you had a majority did that things would be different.
It is time for another revolution to let govt know who they are suppose to be serving.

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05-21-2004 17:37:40

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 Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Lets go, 05-21-2004 12:23:41  
yes you areright and do it before we can,t afford to take time off that is the plan break us and then don,t soare the whip. people might think they are middle classs but that is erroding fast won,t be long and be like peons in mex

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05-21-2004 18:55:32

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to amy, 05-21-2004 17:37:40  
No, he's not right. The middle class exists and is thriving. There is no "plan" to break you and make you like Mex peons. American people are doing quite well and will continue to do well. You can't on the one hand talk about the loss of farm ground to expensive subdivisions and on the other talk about falling into poverty. Most are doing ok high gas prices and all.

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Paul in Mich

05-22-2004 17:17:11

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to bo, 05-21-2004 18:55:32  
Bo, By Jove, You've got it..... ..... .

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05-21-2004 13:40:43

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 Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Lets go, 05-21-2004 12:23:41  
Get real. That's just not going to happen and you're wishing. Tell you what..you start. Stay off your job, try not to buy anything not made in this country and you might as well vote for Kerry because if you really believe what you said, you'll believe that he's a man "of the people" and he knows your "pain".

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Larry Dorman

05-21-2004 09:35:22

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Gasoline prices are high right now. Examine things. Who invests the explorations dollars, drills the wells, pumps the product, refines the product, distributes the product? Now guess who receives 38 plus cents per gallon in taxes with nothing invested (local, state, and U.S. Gov). Maybe we should be mad at our gov.,in addition to the oil companies.

Want a shock, look at the price of a gallon of bottled water or the cost of a gallon of premium ice cream.

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05-21-2004 17:46:47

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Larry Dorman, 05-21-2004 09:35:22  
I have looked!!! and we DON'T drink bottled water OR eat premium ice cream... and we also don't buy potato chips, most prepared foods... etc, etc!! The prices are ridiculous, but I know that lots of people do buy all that stuff!

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05-21-2004 09:14:10

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Can you explain why the price of fuel will go up 15 cents a gallon, then slowly fall. Why does the price of fuel go up while the price of crude goes down. Last but not least, most people would not be upset if we did not hear every freaking day how oil companies profits are at all time highs??? BTW, the reason you are seeing increases on other things is because of fuel prices, ie: transportation. higher fuel, higher costs, higher prices. I have had to raise prices in my business and I do not have record profits to boast in the face of the people I am charging a higher price to like oil companies do.

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Paul in Mich

05-25-2004 11:57:11

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to JP, 05-21-2004 09:14:10  
JP, And you have to do the same thing when the morons in government raise taxes. Thats why in actuality business dont pay higher fuel costs wages, or taxes, it is simply added to the cost of doing business and the customer or end user pays it. The business man just has to be a good business man and not let these increased costs devour all profits thereby putting that business man out of business. The redeeming grace is that the competition has to do the same thing. Thank God for competition.

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Robert in W. Mi

05-21-2004 11:26:46

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to JP, 05-21-2004 09:14:10  

Around here the price of gas can go up 20 or more cents per gallon in one day, because a pipe broke 10 minutes ago!! How can a pipe breaking today make the gas go up 20 or 30 cents "a gallon" when THAT gas was already delivered to the station????? ? Doesn't it make sense that the gas AFTER the break would be the higher priced gas IF IT SHOULD GO UP AT ALL!!!!

That's just plain crooked, and only "one" of the many crooked things that they do!!


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05-21-2004 08:44:48

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
The gasoline suppliers can only charge what the market will bear. If we were not willing to pay $2 per gallon, they could not charge that much. It is called supply and demand. I'm sympathetic to farmers, truckers, cabbies, etc... who must use a big vehicle to make a living. I'm not sympathetic to the folks I see everyday driving a Suburban or F-250 out and back to work. I see folks like this everyday driving down the freeway while I am tooling along in my 4 cylinder Mazda.

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05-21-2004 10:35:19

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to ntmcj, 05-21-2004 08:44:48  
You just hit the nail on the head guy.

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05-21-2004 09:22:10

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to ntmcj, 05-21-2004 08:44:48  
What are we supposed to do if we need trucks to do our work??? I am not willling to pay 2.00 for fuel, I am forced to do it, I do not have a choice. Do I tell my customers I am not going to pick up their equipment because I do not want to pay 2.00 for fuel, or do not put gas in their equipment when I am done with it because I do not want to pay 2.00 for a gallon fuel.I drive an F250 Ford and I need it, it I had to drive a rice burner 4 cyclinder, I would have to buy 2 of them, put in tandem to pull the loads I pull most of the time. I do drive up and down the freeways in my F250 and I am damn proud I drive a truck sold by an Amercian company.

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05-21-2004 09:11:32

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to ntmcj, 05-21-2004 08:44:48  
By golly, I think you are right.

Perhaps if we all contacted our governmental representatives, we could get them to outlaw all those darned American made vehicles.

Maybe we could even go so far as to outlaw the big three auto makers. Yeah, that ought to do it.

The hi ways and by-ways of this land were most certainly designed for only our cheap, foreign-made, imported units.

Yep, you're right, it just seems like the right thing to do.


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Robert in W. Mi

05-21-2004 11:31:41

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 Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Allan, 05-21-2004 09:11:32  
What are you saying? That the big 3 don't build an ecomony car??? You have to drive a gas hog because that's all they make???

I have an American made Chevy that gets over 25 mpg all the time, i don't drive the HD pu unless i need to.


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big fred

05-21-2004 12:44:12

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Robert in W. Mi, 05-21-2004 11:31:41  
My wife's Dodge gets 30-33 mpg, seats 4 quite comfortably.

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05-21-2004 09:47:45

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 Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Allan, 05-21-2004 09:11:32  
I defy you to find a vehicle that is made in America 100%. Heck, find anything other than milk and such made in the US. You know as well as anyone that no one has any idea where the compenent parts of anything are made. I have two Chrysler products..one made in Canada. The other...dunno...didn't bother to look.

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Paul in Mich

05-22-2004 17:56:53

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to bo, 05-21-2004 09:47:45  
If we refuse to buy somethone unless its Made in the U.S.A., we'll be walking around with no shoes, no shirt, no service. Its the old "sit on one hand and hold the other one out and wish, and see which one fills up first" frame of mind, that is closer to an Aesop fable than reality. We are in a global economy whether we like it or not. I doubt we can convince the masses tho. They're still waiting for Santa Claus.

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05-21-2004 09:58:54

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to bo, 05-21-2004 09:47:45  
Boy! Ain't it the truth!


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05-21-2004 08:21:17

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
The cost of living in the U.S. is still cheap for what you get. We could be over in Africa or somewhere carrying water to survive. I'll tell you what makes me mad as he ll, is the people who complain about gas prices. I think people need to change their attitudes and behavior. It is probably the only way our "free market" will slow down sprawl. We waste way too much fuel, and have been "tricked" into reliance on the automobile. You are just lobbying for the oil companies when you complain..... ..... ...


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Jerry W

05-21-2004 08:11:11

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
I worked in the Louisana and Texas oilfields in the mid 70's and I became totally convinced that we were out of oil then.

7 out of 10 wells came up dry or in existing veins and of the 3 that hit, 2 had too much sulfer to clean up and sell at the current price so they were capped.

The only thing that saved us then was the Alaska hit.

We've had 30 years warning at least and I am as guilty as anyone about doing nothing.

Cannot blame the Arabs - they are only doing what US companies would do in the same situation.


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05-22-2004 05:37:49

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Jerry W, 05-21-2004 08:11:11  
who's controlling the arabs...don't ever think the large oil companies are out of arabs oil..look at their profits..it all comes from overseas....worked for large oil company for 24 years..remember natural gas shortage..never was...have nice day may god bless

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John (C-IL)

05-21-2004 07:54:18

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
We still have the cheapest gas, food, realestate and clothing prices in the world.

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Robert in W. Mi

05-21-2004 11:40:58

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to John (C-IL), 05-21-2004 07:54:18  
Have you priced those things in other countries?? Priced gas in Mexico lately.

As for gas prices in eroupe, take all the TAX those folks pay on there fuel off, and what's left is a price for gas similar to us!!

Many countries are paying 2/3's of there fuel price in added tax to the fuel!


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05-21-2004 07:31:41

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 Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 06:31:19  
Don't waste your emotions. The boycott could have never succeeded. No boycot will work until the majority are prepared to give up the product forever or at least an extended time period. That was just web heifer dust. Think through it a bit..prices on everything are going up...beef, milk, gas. The only reason you pick on gas is because it's highly visible and you use it everyday. Ask your self..if you were CEO of one of the major gas suppliers, what would you do? Please, none of this "I'd be fair to the consumer" stuff.

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05-21-2004 10:44:40

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 Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to bo, 05-21-2004 07:31:41  
I guess the bottom line is, some day I would like to be able to retire and have a dime to my name when I do it, At this rate none of us will be able to if we pay out every dollar we make just to get by.

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Larry NE IL

05-21-2004 20:09:05

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 Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 10:44:40  
Hey, I'm fixin' to retire and quite proud. I came into this world with nothing, and I still got MOST of it!!!
I also agree with most that a one day or one month boycott is like choking a chicken to get it to lay more eggs. It'll never work.

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05-21-2004 13:41:27

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 Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 10:44:40  
Boycotting the gas pumps is a farce..think about it logically. If the oil company loses a given amount in one day because of a boycott, they will not lower the damn price, they will raise it the next day to make up for the revenue loss.

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05-21-2004 13:37:16

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 Re: Re: Re: MAD as h ell in reply to Rick, 05-21-2004 10:44:40  
Yeh, I hear you.

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