Good advise. Don't do it. Some trees you can and they will shoot out feeder roots. Trees that are real quick growers like Poplar, Silver Maple, Weeping Willow. What they all have in common is that they are a wet tree,,essentially draw up a lot of water and are, by nature, a weak tree. An oak...white, red, live and others won't tolerate nothing at their drip line. As was said..they'll take a few years but they will die. You might get away with back filling one side so the other side is undisturbed but the risk is still there. We live in a white/red oak ridge and some subdivisions have gone in. The contractors have attempted to save some of the trees but the chainsaws have come out about 3-4 years later. People think they can save the trees but when you tear into a forest, they have forest trees,,poorly shaped, that is, they grow straight up with little branching and are essentially sticks and once the forest soil is removed or the tree is back filled,,,it's over for the tree.