Paul in Mich
05-29-2004 14:10:07
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to gahorn, 05-29-2004 10:43:24
Gahorn, First of all there is nothing in my statement that says that dinasaurs created oil, just that many people think that that is the age when the last drop of oil was created. Secondly, You may or may not realize it, but your car is far less a hazard to the environment than if everyone replaced each car with a horse. Your air is far cleaner today than it was when homes were heated by either wood or coal. Your children stand a far greater chance of dying on the highway as a result of underage drinking than any chemical that has been put into the water supply. Your environmentalist buddies have been the direct cause of more deaths caused by malaria because of their "victory" in the banning of DDT, than DDT itself ever caused or would have ever caused. Your environmentalist buddies also managed to have a moratorium placed on the implementation of more cheap, clean, nuculear power, thus creating more dependence on coal and other less environmentally friendly energy sources. So, my friend, do not be so arrogant as to blame the dirty environment on others before you are willing to look in the mirror and take a good look at yourself. I believe in conservation, and the wise use of our resources, but as you say, the environment isnt that far away, in fact I submit to you that it is closer than you think. We are part of the environment, and the worlds resources are here to benefit mandkind, not the other way around. The environmentalist movement is NOT, I repeat NOT about saving our environment, it is and always has been a movement to render America impotent. The proof is that we (Americans) are targeted, even though we are not by any means the dirtiest, most wasteful country on earth. You can still drink our water, while at the same time you cant even wade in the water of some of the 3rd world ,European, and Asian countries who have no factories to blame. Plus, I have yet to hear the environmentalists hold the former U.S.S.R. to task for their environmental short commings. That in itself should tell you volums.