Larry Page and Sergie Brin (the founders) realized that a page ranking mechanism in which for any given search, the links that were most often "clicked-thru to" should probably be rated at the top would work much better than other search engines at the time. In other words, with millions and millions of searches for "antique tractors", say, the links that are most often clicked on are probably the most appropriate for what people are looking for and should be elevated in status. The original idea has now morphed into a combination of politics (as they try to make China and other countrys happy for very sensitive results like for Tiannemen Square), sales (as they now make billions in revenue for "sponsored ads"), cat-and-mouse (as they constantly have to outwit people trying to figure out their entire scheme and get their websites to bubble to the top). Overall, their searching technology is the heart of the company and is a mix of closely guarded secrets and technology they resell to anyone for their own searching needs - like internal websites to IBM or whoever... All you have to do is look at how their stock price has exploded to realize how immensely powerful and valuable their ideas truly are. Howard