It's easy you need a big board like a 4x6 or I beam like Hugh mentioned. On my small wheel disk I took two pipes and bent then at a 45 degree angel (cut & welded back together and fish plated). At one end I weleded two pieces of flat steel in the same direction and the 45 degree bend to the pipe. Places it ofer the frame (angle iron) of my IH disk and drilled a hole through the flat stock and through the disk's frame and bolted it together - not two tight so it could swing like a hinge. Repeated with the other pipe. Note the bolt was on the outer frame member that supports the wheels. On the back end of the pipe the part touching the ground - welded two pieces of angle iron on each pipe then bolted on a 4 X 6. The 4x6 was about a foot wider than the disk on each side. Taking 4 pieces of angle iron about a foot and a half long drilled holes on one side of each piece every 1/2 inch. Took the 4 pieces of angle iron and welded them to the back frame of the disk on each side of the pipe with the holes facing each other. Note the frame member runs perpendictulat to the pipe. Put a bolt through the holes to keep pressure on the 4x6 - having the holes every 1/2 inch allows adjustment. Disk the ground with out the bolts to really till the soil. On the second pass reinstall the bolts and only have the disk penetrate a few inches. With some practice and adjustment it should come out as smooth as can be. Note: driving slower also smothes out the ground better. On my larger White disk I created a box out of 3X3 channel instead of the two pipes for additional strength.