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08-02-2004 21:43:34

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08-03-2004 13:06:04

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
Got a friend that runs a IH 460 with combine motor, he has $800 dollars in tractor pulls it and farms with it to. If you look at tractor you wouldn't know the difference, see it wouldn't take a lot of money to clean house at your pull.

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08-03-2004 19:03:08

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to supermpuller4, 08-03-2004 13:06:04  
SuperMpuller I have to agree with you, sounds like Clint is from a place were I grew up. They are afraid of change,You either have to go with it or get left BEHIND. Were I grew up they are still fighting the 911 system bacause on how much everybody will have to spend on directory assistance. guys that fight these changes always cry foul.And end up last.

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08-03-2004 12:27:47

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
I have no interest, whatever, in tractor pulls. However, I thoroughly enjoy ALL old iron, even pulling tractors, and respect the owner's rights to modify THEIR property as they see fit.

It is a safe bet that quite a number of old tractors exist today (albeit in their modified condition) that would have been scrapped long ago if someone with a puller's gleam in their eye had not rescued them from a fence line, or a junk lot.

If course, we could go to WALLY WORLD, and look at the cheap import junk China sends us in return for scrapping all our old stuff and sending it to them!

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John M

08-03-2004 12:20:33

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
To each his own,but I think its a disgrace when a hard working man cant find a part for his tractor brcause some puller has already scrfed up the prts he needs just to have them break at the next pull. Isee nothing wrong with a little tuning on the old engine to bump up the hp a little,but to ruin a tractor with funky paint and big tires and all,kinda upsets me as I know that one day,parts wont be around anymore.

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08-03-2004 20:18:38

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to John M, 08-03-2004 12:20:33  
Just were do you live? In central ILL I see Ms sitting around. Maybe we can find you a whole parts tractor if you would like that.

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08-03-2004 18:46:25

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to John M, 08-03-2004 12:20:33  
Good point John have you ever tried to find a 427.drag racers tore all of them to

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John M

08-03-2004 19:52:05

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Leland, 08-03-2004 18:46:25  
I can personally speak from experience on it.A few years back we needed a low-low first for our M.Call the salvage yards and got lucky and found one close by,like a 3 hour drive for me so I headed out immediatly,by the time I got down there,one of the local big time pullers had already yanked what I needed out of the tractor.So,the trees endend up getting palnted by hand,lost about half of them,but not because I didnt have the gears,but took my and Dad three times as long to put them in.the next time I needed a slow gear like that I rigged up something similar to the hydraulic gear deal for the farmall A.worked just as good if mot better than the low-low first.(And that isnt the first or the last time thatll happen to me)

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08-03-2004 12:00:42

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
Clint do you want any chese with that whine. Its people like you that are to blame for the shape this world is in .CONTROL WHAT YOU OWN NOT EVERYTHING YOU SEE!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!

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08-03-2004 11:27:54

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
do you have multiple personality disorder?
who is we?you are entitled to your opinion,but you are not entitled to say what others think.
like i said before,why don't you go to Tomah WI when they are putting on the dairy nationals and have your pull right across the street?
if you have note gate fee you will not fill the stands half full.

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08-03-2004 13:05:33

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Redman, 08-03-2004 11:27:54  
The word "we" is being used in the editorial sense. It is a perfectly acceptable use. It neither means nor implies "multiple personality disorder".


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08-03-2004 15:07:23

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to TheRealRon, 08-03-2004 13:05:33  
well then,we want smoke and noise.
we also want you guys to shut up and pull,
seems alot of people are self appointed gladiators for the fight of tractors and will cut down the other classes as a means to make their class look better.
you guys think what you are doing is helping the sport,but in reality it is only hurting it.

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Leland (wife)

08-03-2004 12:16:12

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Redman, 08-03-2004 11:27:54  
Dear Mr. Redman,

I have recently been reading my husband's emai. It is so sad to see how the educational system in this country has failed so many of you. You are not able to write a sentence with correct punctuation, spelling or grammar .This is very sad to me, considering I am a special education teacher in a public school. Would you like some tutoring over the internet? Please let me help!!!! Sincerely, Linda

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sammy the RED

08-04-2004 23:49:29

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Leland (wife), 08-03-2004 12:16:12  
What is your husbands "emai" ? ;o]

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08-03-2004 15:11:36

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Leland (wife), 08-03-2004 12:16:12  
my spelling makes no difference in this thread,nor does my grammar.
i would say what you are doing is a cheap shot because someone does not agree with your or your husbands ideas,this is sad as it states that you think of yourself as better than everyone else.
i do not need anyones help and i never have,i do think that you should seek some though.
people just like you have all but ruined this country,now you want to stant in on tractor pulling.

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08-03-2004 16:37:21

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Redman, 08-03-2004 15:11:36  
WHOA boys leave me out of this fight ,my wife gets on my butt also. I hated school for 12 years . Then the judge gave me life without porole see I can't spell either.

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08-03-2004 17:11:38

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Leland, 08-03-2004 16:37:21  
then we are in the same boat.

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08-03-2004 13:24:07

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Leland (wife), 08-03-2004 12:16:12  
This is a pulling board forum, not a English class room, lighten up.He knows how to build a pulling tractor ,you know how to write a sentence, there is room in the world for both of you.

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08-03-2004 17:08:07

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to supermpuller, 08-03-2004 13:24:07  
Dear Mr. Redman,
I am sorry you took offense to my post. I just find it very sad that you can't communicate better. If you can use the computer to email I would think you would also be educated and know how to communicate better. I guess you do not have to communciate in writing only here on the website. I am also not a yuppie. My grandfather and father were farmers. When I would watch a tractor pull my father and grandfather were pulling tractors around the barn lot trying to get them running. That was my idea of a tractor pull. Again, I am sorry if I offended anyone. It is just disappointing to see so many people unable to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. I guess it is the teacher in me.

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Paul in Mich

08-04-2004 09:00:11

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Leland(wife), 08-03-2004 17:08:07  
Well, "Teach", maybe this old farmboy has had it all wrong all these years. I thought that language was a means of communication , and not a contest to see who uses the best spelling, proper grammer and correct punctuation. In the 65 years that I have graced this planet, the #1 thing I have learned about communication is there is way too often the illusion that it actually took place. Mr. Rogers in the simplest form of the English language was able to communicate better than most of his highly degreed contemporaries. I also learned long ago that there is a vast difference between a "Degree" and an "Education". By the way, I caught myself in a definite "no-no while bringing the cows into the milking parlor. I told Gertrude that she was to go into the correct stantion "irregardless" of how much she wanted to go into the next one. I vowed that I would never use incorrect words or redundancies, such as "irregardless" while communicating with the cows, as they may detect my lack of proper learning and decide to take advantage by revolting in unison. Imagine 20 cows all heading for the wrong stantion (or is it stansion), all because I used the word "irregardless".

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08-03-2004 17:14:36

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Leland(wife), 08-03-2004 17:08:07  
different strokes!i guess i should have stayed awake more in english and such.
i'm sure if you were to come into my world i would be able to teach you a thing or two also.

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08-03-2004 18:05:42

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Redman, 08-03-2004 17:14:36  
Redman you need to invite this lady over to the bashing board, I'm sure the guys and girls would enjoy communicating with her.

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Leland (wife)

08-03-2004 20:23:37

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to suppermpuller, 08-03-2004 18:05:42  
Just were is this bashing board located??

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08-03-2004 21:03:13

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Leland (wife), 08-03-2004 20:23:37  
i will warn you,not all langauge is proper or spelled correctly!
mostly just BSing as of late.

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08-03-2004 18:13:17

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to suppermpuller, 08-03-2004 18:05:42  
just from a different world,hers is teaching which does not do much for me as most of the things i do now i did not learn in school.
if she did go to the bashing board the poor woman would never be the same!some of those boys over there have no sense at all when it comes to bashing women!

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big fred

08-03-2004 13:36:11

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to supermpuller, 08-03-2004 13:24:07  
Dang! Kim made this board the pulling forum? I wonder what she put over on the pulling board then? Probly turned it into a needlepoint forum.

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08-03-2004 17:19:21

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to big fred, 08-03-2004 13:36:11  
i think someone wanted to complain a bunch without anyone wanting to argue.
i won't mention any names,(Clint) but i'm sure he is a bit of a weasle.

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08-03-2004 15:24:26

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 oh me oh my in reply to big fred, 08-03-2004 13:36:11  
fred don't get discouraged this is still the tractor forum

sumdese boys got misplaced on the pulling board when the yuppies showed up and rooted um out.

I better go check to see what gives. It's probly them retired military boys screwing up the pulling forum again.

The way them x-military boys spend them gubermint checks on modified junk turns it out to be gubermint susidized tractor pulling fer yuppies. It's a shame. A down right dirty shame that my tax money gets spent that way.

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08-03-2004 22:39:06

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 Re: oh me oh my in reply to Burrhead, 08-03-2004 15:24:26  
I object to my tax dollars bein spent to support worthless old hippies but they ain't cut you off yet.

And it ain't too likely you'll be spittin any snuff in some feller's pocket with it all runnin down yer chin. Put them VA Hospital issue plastic teeth back in yer mouth and ya might be able to spit past yer boots.

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08-03-2004 17:17:27

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 Re: oh me oh my in reply to Burrhead, 08-03-2004 15:24:26  
don't worry,you buy yhe parts and i will build the tractor for $15 an hour.
this would be 1/4 the normal rate,so your tax dollars have yet to make it to my puller.
don't knock it 'til you tried it.

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08-03-2004 19:04:59

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 Re: oh me oh my in reply to Redman, 08-03-2004 17:17:27  
if yer retired military you'd just be in the way.

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08-03-2004 10:39:18

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
If the people who govern these shows allow it, then it is going to happen. This goes on in every form of motorsports. One guy will take a 57' Chevy and restore it to look like it came off the factory line the next guy will cut a hole in the hood for the blower, chop the top and tub the rear end. At a local show recently there was an A/C B there that was absolutely perfect down to the retro filters, next to it was a B that had a 327 Chevy. Who are we to tell any of these they are wrong? Nascar is stock car racing but when was the last time you went to the Ford dealer and found a V-8 powered, rear wheel drive Taurus? My point is that some people look at an old tractor and see a potential hot rod waiting to be fixed up, others will see a piece of history with stories behind each dent and ding while others will lovingly restore it back into perfect condition. Who is wrong?
I guess the way I see it there should be a time and a place for all of them. I dont like seeing an old farmer on his pride and joy being smoked at the pulls by some guy who has spent thousands of dollars in order to smoke him. I do however enjoy seeing both of them run. It is all in the people who run the shows and what their agenda is.

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08-03-2004 10:07:13

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
Many localities have legislation in place to protect buildings/historic districts. Obviously the time has come to protect tractors/equipment. Since they are (somewhat) mobile, this probably won't work at the local or state level. We need national laws to keep people from modifying/destroying these old classics. WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMAN!!!!! !!!!

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08-03-2004 11:30:30

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to thurlow, 08-03-2004 10:07:13  
good plan,while you are at it why not ask where most of the old cars went.
here is a secret,the government destroyed them as they were not being used.

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big fred

08-03-2004 13:32:50

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Redman, 08-03-2004 11:30:30  
The government destroyed them? Hmm, that explains a lot. If the government is taking over salvage yards, explains where their recycled ideas come from.

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08-03-2004 15:13:42

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to big fred, 08-03-2004 13:32:50  
grnadpa had pictures of all the old cars that used to lay in farmsites around here,government would fine you if you did not clean them up.
they would remove them for you for free though.

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big fred

08-03-2004 17:38:04

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Redman, 08-03-2004 15:13:42  
Musta been after I left the farm. Imagine that, socialized scrapyards. What'll they think of next?

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08-03-2004 18:06:19

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to big fred, 08-03-2004 17:38:04  
who knows,but from what i hear California has issues with old cars VS government fairly often.

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big fred

08-03-2004 18:31:26

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Redman, 08-03-2004 18:06:19  
Actually, I recently got a notice in the mail that old cars & such aren't welcome here in our western Washington county either. Some dim bulb discovered that where there was meth labs there was old cars, so they figured instead of cleaning up meth labs, all they gotta do is get rid of the old cars. I guess the old cars are easier to find. Only problem is they figure it's junk if it hasn't moved in 6 months. Fortunately they also got a clause that if it's screened from the road it can stay. I guess they figure meth labs don't work right if they're behind a fence.

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08-03-2004 19:12:47

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to big fred, 08-03-2004 18:31:26  
hahahahaha!!!sounds like it make almost enough sense to be the government!i never did understand them $100 hammer handles they always talked about.

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08-03-2004 06:21:50

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
Once upon a time, we had a nice tractor pull at our county fair. It was a gathering of county farmers, to settle "bragging rights" for another year, on who had the "pullin-est" tractor in the field. Almost every tractor there was a daily worker. Most of us didn't even care who won. It was just a chance to get together, and spend some time "goofing off". 98% of the people that attended were county-wide farmers, or their family.
Like so many other good things, that concept is history.
Now the county 4H fair has a tractor pull that features 2 sleds, a promoter, about a dozen class's, and VERY FEW LOCALS. Most of the crowd is "city folks" that come out to see all the modified tractors. They wouldn't know a stock tractor if it ran over them. Who is all this for..... ? I understand all the need to raise money. I don't begrudge the hot-rod pullers their moment. What I don't understand is why we can't have a simple, old-fashioned PURE FARM STOCK pull anymore. It may not draw thousands of screaming spectators, but a few hundred happy old farmers would be there, smiling, and having a good time. What's wrong with that? JMHO, (An obviously out-dated) John

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08-03-2004 20:40:39

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 08-03-2004 06:21:50  
Insurance issues and how many farmers will now take the tractor that they make a living with and take a chance on having it broke and in the shop when it should be in the field. I recently went to and antique pull and at the end several local guys got together and pulled their farm trucks. Most were Duramax's with chips and I have to admit I was impressed but would I take my ruck out there? Nope! it's got to get me to work everyday and i don't need it in the shop soooo but if that is what they want to do it's fine by me.

I pull an stock Oliver 88 and have a ball. Most pulls i go to the rules for stock are a little cloudy and some people use that alot but oh well. As forthe guys who sink $10k into and puller? More power to them too as long as they keep it in the class it is supposed to be in. Never really figured it out why someone would want to put a hotrod in a stock class anyway, I mean wheres the braggin rights to that???? Congrads, your 90+hp tractor just beat my 37 hp tractor,, yee haaaa...

Oh well it takes all kinds huh? :)

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08-03-2004 21:05:34

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Jeff, 08-03-2004 20:40:39  
that little trophy means alot to some people!
i can't figure it out either.

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08-03-2004 11:33:28

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 08-03-2004 06:21:50  
insurance is the biggest thing now days,you can't just have a pull as someone might slip and scrape their hand and want a million or 2 for it.

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08-03-2004 08:20:55

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 08-03-2004 06:21:50  
Because most of the local population do not make a living farming. The 95% that come out had parents or Grandparents who did farm. Are trying to drive people who "are not your type" away with a "class" war? We added an antique truck show plus a kids garden and souped mini tractor pull this year to draw in a bigger crowd. Already letting the 10 and 20 series Deeer New Generation tractors in. The tractors on shown display were mostly bought new by farmers now dead or confined to nursing homes. If the local crowd with money to spend can't relate. They will spend thier bucks elsewere and let the pure antique tractor shows wither.

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08-03-2004 08:37:38

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to buickanddeere, 08-03-2004 08:20:55  
I'm not trying to drive anyone away. I AM trying to bring back those who have been driven away. This area is mainly residential. It has been for years. The farming community has been in the minority for as long as I can remember. That being said, we need "our space" too. The 95% "fact" that you quoted might be true in some areas. NOT HERE. Most of the people around these parts are 3rd or 4th generation removed from the farm. Their families moved into this area to support several manufacturing facilities. (i.e. General Electric, JeffBoat, Ford truck , Indiana Army Ammunition plant, ect.) Their interest in tractors is merely for the "hot rod" aspect. I don't want to do away with their thing. I'm just wanting to see a "real" tractor pull, with "real" tractors, being driven by "real" farmers. John

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08-03-2004 07:02:28

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 08-03-2004 06:21:50  
You speak the truth. My county had a demo-derby at the fair every year. Standing room only, every year. Then they tried a "pro tactor pull". Most people here have their butts on a tractor seat 12 hours a day anyway and the last thing they wanted to see was more tractors. So after one year they went back to the demo-derby. Standing room only again.


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08-03-2004 05:45:58

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
I don't pull tractors, but I do enjoy watching a good pull. What I DON'T enjoy is watching some OBVIOUSLY modified (chrome or aluminum rims, WAY over stock rpms, and the like) tractors being allowed to pull in stock or farm-stock classes. If they pulled in the modified classes--where they might strand a cahnce of getting beat by a similarly-modified tractor--instead of the stock classes, I guess I wouldn't complain. But as a spectator, it irks me to see Farmer John with his once-overhauled Farmall M getting smoked by some "Slick" who has as much money in his puller as Farmer John has in half his operation!

Somehow, though, I can't totally blame "Slick"...'cause he's just doing what the rules committee lets him get by with (odds are, "Slick" is probably ON the rules committee). But things like that are what's keeping me from overhauling Dad's old Farmall H and trying it out just once in the local county fair tractor pull.

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08-03-2004 11:37:20

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Buzzman72, 08-03-2004 05:45:58  
i do pull,but i absolutly can not stand someone pulling stuff like that.
out of the field should be just that,all others should be in open class.

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08-03-2004 05:45:45

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
All depends on where you are. Now for me personally, I couldn't care less one way or the other, I avoid tractor pulls (and all motor sports) like the plague. Nothing against those that do like it, just not my thing.

As a former fair board member I've seen the gate receipts and when the farm stock pulls and when the 'modified' classes pull. We'd run about $2500 (500 people at $5) on farm stock night. When the trucks and 'hotter' tractors pulled gate would run $8000-$15,000 (still $5 a head). Best night was the demolition derby, gate was over $30,000. This is all gate into the pulling tracks not total fair admission (which is a seperate gate).

Like I say, I dont care one bit who wants to do what, just observing where most of the 'blue collar' folks spent their money to watch.

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08-03-2004 03:53:52

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to CLINT, 08-02-2004 21:43:34  
"Professionals" and people with cubic money have ruined every sport they've ever gotten involved with. NASCAR and NHRA are perfect examples, IMHO.

Yes, yes I'm aware of all the technological advances that have been made and the benefits they represent, but the littler feller ain't got a snowball's chance of competing any more, an that's a big loss as far as I'm concerned. All them pretty-boys with the $75 haircuts and the manicures don't represent me, or anyone I know.

I'm with you, Clint. I go to one tractor pull a year, held at a rinky-dink little country fair near here, and most of the tractors entered still have manure on their tires from cleaning up the feedlot before being loaded on the trailer.

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08-03-2004 07:48:28

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Fawteen, 08-03-2004 03:53:52  
you are right on that one, I love to go watch tractor pulls, I like to watch the antiques, stock classes and then the modified and then the open class. This has happened everywhere, you run in your class and the bigger guys should run in their class. I went to our local fair this year, and there was no class for stock farm tractors or antiques either. Do not know if it was because of no entries or no class to enter in.

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08-03-2004 06:07:18

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Fawteen, 08-03-2004 03:53:52  
What's wrong with working hard and smart and spending that pocket full of money? Just keep the souped tractors out of the stock classes. Where did you find a pretty boy with a $75.00 haircut and a manicure?

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08-03-2004 08:40:03

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to buickanddeere, 08-03-2004 06:07:18  
Two words for ya. Jeff Gordon.

I guess I'm a dinosaur, but I still enjoy "sports" that are about fun, not money.

Contrary to what you hear from every source at every turn, it's NOT all about money.

At least, not for me.

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08-03-2004 10:39:03

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Fawteen, 08-03-2004 08:40:03  
Who is/was Jeff Gordon?

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08-03-2004 10:43:21

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to buickanddeere, 08-03-2004 10:39:03  
I think he was a neighboring farmer? Anybody remember seeing him at the market?

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08-03-2004 11:56:12

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to TimFL, 08-03-2004 10:43:21  
NASCAR "star". But then you knew that.

Seeing as you insist on missing my point, I believe I'll just let it lie.

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08-04-2004 05:01:42

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 Re: TRACTOR PULLING REVISTED in reply to Fawteen, 08-03-2004 11:56:12  
I checked the net with the google search engine. This Jeff Gordon guy could be someone who drives a car?

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