Tim If I were you I'd convert to live hydralics. The pump goes right behind the distribuitor. I'd avoid using the belly pumps oil tank and strap on an aftermarket. I'd also get new spool valves. In the end you'll be better off with this setup as you won't have to have the clutch out to use the hyd's. I think you could have one or more problems. I'd look at the following; 1.) 350 psi will bearly move the loader unless you have 6" cylinders and then real slow. You will need something closer to 1,000 psi 1-A.) You have bad spool valves that won't direct the proper pressure to the cylinders. 1-B.) the pump is tired and needs replacement 2.) The belly pump oil tank is too small for a single acting loader cylinder. When you raise up the loader it will suck all of the oil out of the tank and pump in air into the system. If you fill the tank in the raised position it will all squirt out of the breather when you let it down. 4.) If by chance the tank is large enough it is still too small to let the air bubbles settle out of the hyd fluid causing it to foam. 5.) 30 wt oil has a tendancy to foam you might want to switch to HYTran. 6.) Are the cylinder breathers on the cylinders clear. you might have a little water or oil in the top of the cylinder that can't get out the breather that will stop the loader from lifting. I don't like the idea of running 90wt gear oil through a hydralic system. Its too thick and probably cause the system to overpressurize and blow something out. I'm not an expert on belly pumps other than how to unhook them and switch to live hyd. 30 wt is all I ever remember putting in until we switched to HyTran. At some point in time my dad switched ofer to ATF fluid Dextran II and that ran fine for years. I'm now back on HYTRAN