I hope it"s alright to post this information: The 29th Annual Silk Hope Old Fashion Farmer"s Day will be held in G. T. Petty Memorial Park on Silk Hope Road near Siler City, NC Friday night, Sept 3, through Sunday night, Sept 6, 2004. (Labor Day weekend, but NOT on Labor Day -- we do cleanup that day so folks can go back to work on Tuesday!) Come and visit the past. Marvel at how things were done. Think of all the advances that have been made through the years. 1907 Corliss Steam Engine (operated by Wrenn Bros. Lumber Co, Siler City, NC until mid 1960"s) now restored and operating during the weekend. With its 10’ flywheel, power is provided through line shafts to a 1920 Window and Door Manufacturing Shop, a 1915 Cotton Gin, a 1940 Saw Mill, a 1916 Band Saw, a 1930 Wood Planer, a 1920 Trim Saw, a 1940 Edger Saw. A 50 KW electric generator is powered by a restored Ridgeway 80 hp Steam Engine. Antique Tractor Display, Steam Engines in Operation, Wheat Threshing, Molasses Making, Antiques on Display, Antique Farm Machinery, Antique Cars, Corn Shredding, Shingle Mill, Hit and Miss Engines, Rock Crushing, etc. Antique Tractor Pull on Friday night and Saturday Farm Animals in working harness on display and in demonstrations. Quality Entertainment for all ages – Gospel Singing, Bluegrass Music, Folk Dancing, Flea Market, Antiques, Crafts, etc. Great Food and Fixings: Pork BBQ, Fried Chicken Tenders, Hot Dogs, Home-made Ice Cream, etc. 1 hour west of Raleigh, NC off US 64; 1 hour southeast of Greensboro via US 421 and US 64; 45 min south of Burlington, NC via NC 87 and Lindley Mill/Silk Hope-Lindley Mill Rd. 6 miles NE of Siler City, Chatham County, NC Sponsored by Silk Hope Ruritan Club For more information contact: 919/742-2972 or 919/742-4881; Website: www.silkhoperuritans.com