Sal, there are three things that a diesel needs to run: Air, Fuel and Compression. Since it is running well for a few minutes, let's assume that there is compression and that is not changing. That leaves fuel and air. My guess is that something is shutting off the fuel flow. But check the air filter first, it's the easiest and cheapest to fix. Make sure that the engine will run on start up without the filter. If it continues on running, the problem is found and all you have to do is replace the filter. They have been known to collapse and clog the intake. If it is not the air, then the fuel system is sucking air, clogged with dirt or something is in the tank that is restricting the flow of fuel. Changing the filter and purging the fuel lines is a normal maintenance chore. It won't hurt to do that anyway. While you are at it, drain the tank and have a look inside. If the tank is clean, get the fuel lines air tight, purged and start her up. If the fuel tank has crud in it, especially large chunks, take off the tank and clean it. Good luck and keep us posted, we like to hear success stories. UFO Man