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Tractor Talk Discussion Forum

To all you stupid dads...

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08-30-2004 08:28:24

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No wonder city people think country people are inbred idiots! We not only have people admitting to "child endangerment", some even boast about it!

Just because your dad was stupid doesn't mean you have to be (or maybe there's some truth to the inbreeding argument). Let's hope your kids move off the farm and grow a brain.

For those with even a shred of love for their kids...

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08-31-2004 13:50:04

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Simple hire more lifegaurds at the gene pool!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!

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from time to time

08-30-2004 22:47:01

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  

you get off on a tangent like this. You really should keep a better watch on your medication level before you get on the net.

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08-30-2004 20:46:06

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 Hope Ron grows a brain in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Compare those stats with the stats on how many kids get killed because their parents dont put them in a seat belt. What about those who get hurt because their parents dont care enough not to let them roam the streets at night. What about those killed because there was a gun left laying around. What about those who have hurt others because the parents didnt participate in their kids lives(Columbine HS,etc.). All statistics are relative and to infer that all of us that grew up on a farm and stayed there dont have a brain is brainlessness on your part. I was taught how to be safe as I was taught to operate equipment. I have had plenty busted knuckles but never broke a bone.
One other question, if "your kids move off the farm and grow a brain" who is going to be left in a few years to grow the food that powers you to keep posting your foolishness on this board.

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Davis In SC

08-30-2004 19:18:15

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Looking back, our folks had us doing things that would make people cringe now, such as plowing at age 8. I do remember a few close calls, but God must have been looking out for us..... It is obvious that farm kids are more likely to be hurt or killed by machinery, But I would also assume they are much less likely to be killed by a Drive-By Shooter than city kids are..... . Regards, Davis

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08-30-2004 18:58:41

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Ron, I think you really missed the mark on this post. Us inbreed farm folks for the most part have WAY more common cence than our suburban conterparts. Of cource we my not spell as good. My Grandfather had me running farm equipment when I was 9 or 10. He taught me how to do it right, and saftly, because he loved me and wanted me to do a good job and get personal satisfaction from that. My Father had me roofing barns and such not long after. Many times I was 60 feet off the ground while my schoolmates were in town swimming in the public pool.
I myself am glad for the hardwork that I experianced when I was young cuz it made a better father out of me now that I am older.
Oh, bye the way, do not ever call somebody inbred.

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08-30-2004 19:05:21

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to Butcher, 08-30-2004 18:58:41  
i know what you mean,when all the town kids were running around town i was cleaning calf pens and such.
i sure didn"t like it too good back then,but now i wouldn"t have wanted it any other way!

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08-30-2004 18:55:54

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Boy,O Boy, Don't you wish you had never mentioned it?

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08-30-2004 17:29:15

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
So, Ron, what DID you do witht the money yer Mom gave ya to take that Dale Carnegie course with?

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Mark - IN.

08-30-2004 16:35:06

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Inbred? My Mom always said that I must"ve been the milk lady"s kid, not hers. So, if my daddy married his sister, it obviously didn"t affect me none. LOL.

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08-30-2004 16:25:35

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
You have got to be kidding!!!! This whole country keeps trying to make things "safer", idiot proof and so on. This is getting way out of hand. Life is full of risk. I often ask people what would happen if you were hit by the beer truck to prove my point that random things way beyond your control can happen and will happen. The bottom line in my opinion is a faith issue. If you have no faith that God is watching over you and that things happen for reasons unknown to us at times then your knee jerk reaction is to make everything "safe". Everyone has to assume a certain amount of risk just to live another day and totally avoiding any risk and not teaching kids how to recognize risk and to have faith in a higher being is mainly why we have such irresponcible youth these days. They just arent"t aware of what is going on and how to pay attention to their surroundings. My kids will ride on machinery, they will learn to handle it at young age, they will learn to work around equipment and they will work with all sorts of tools, all under MY SUPERVISION AND INSTURCTION! I just do not think that magically at the age of 18 or whatever they aquire the knowledge to operate this stuff. I am not trying to tell you how to live but at least let me live and raise my kids my way.

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08-30-2004 16:34:18

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to KB, 08-30-2004 16:25:35  
just imagine trying to teach a kid that knows nothing how to do everything on the farm from the age of 15 to 18!
without a doubt about half would be planted themselves by the age of 20.
i was behind the wheen by the time i was 9 and i still learn something new all the time,a bit of advise i was once told is that the day you no longer learn anything is the day you died.
equipment is dangerous,so city folk please keep in mind that you might not like the way it looks,but the only way to learn is practice.

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08-30-2004 15:03:58

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
read the laws sometime,i think they were wrote by a real bright fellow much like yourself.
it does say that no person under the age of 15 can run a piece of equipment larger than 20 hp.
what this means is it is 100% legal if i want to let my kids run a 1930 tractor with under that amount of hp,but i can not let them run a MX200 as it has way too muc hp.
never mind the 70 years of safty equipment that has been added,it is the law.
who are the inbreds?the folks that wrote that line of BS.

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08-30-2004 13:10:04

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
"THE REAL RON"!!! This guy will probably vote for John Kerry too; He certainly thinks he can save the world like him; when he really does nnot have a clue about life! Sounds like He might also be a Deranged College Professor!

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John M

08-30-2004 12:47:43

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Someone needs Welbutrin!(Or Viagra)

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08-30-2004 11:52:16

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
A young person with their impulsiveness, lack of fear due to being "young and immortal" and lack of experience. Are a natural for accidents. Industry also has the same problem where new employees of six months experience or less are the majority of those injured/killed. Unless there is a protected place to ride such as a factory installed or approved aftermarket seat. There is no place for riders without. This topic has similarities to the old argument. "I don't need a roll bar and seat belt cause I'm too experienced and smart to roll a machine. And anyways it's moving slow so I can just jump off". Utter balderdash. The non farmer types must wonder when they see unsafe activates and projects done by farmers.

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08-30-2004 18:56:34

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to buickanddeere, 08-30-2004 11:52:16  
not to start an agruement but in some cases long time employees have more accidents than ones that have been there a shorter time. Don,t worry I.m not slamming anyone as I have been retired for some time

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steve w

08-30-2004 13:21:59

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to buickanddeere, 08-30-2004 11:52:16  
Glen how about those drunk drivers how many of them have your balderdash got off of the highway,Steve

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08-30-2004 14:00:20

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to steve w, 08-30-2004 13:21:59  
Stupid people can take anything, miss use it and be dangerous. And ruin it for responsible people. Boats, vehicles, work tools, booze, women, farm/industrial equipment, firearms, sporting equipment can all be a hazard at the hands of the fool, malicious or the inexperienced. Odd, depending on the political correctness of the topic as to whom or what gets blamed. As for the malicious or an uncaring fool, long jail terms and no early parole is cheaper than the tragedies those people make.

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08-30-2004 11:38:30

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Aright REALRON, heres what I have to say. I'm sixteen and at a great boarding school. I am born-raised on a farm, and I plan to live there for the rest of my life.

My old man raised me with a)common sense, and b) with an awareness of what's going on around me, and near as I can tell, that's all I or anyone else needs.

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08-30-2004 11:31:46

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
According to the chart/graph in the link, we could prevent 25% of all childhood accidents by just stopping them from playing; sounds like it's time for the Federal Government to step in and do something. Maybe a new cabinet level position..... Department of "Stopping Childhood Playing"..... ..as far as being inbred.....my wife/step sister/first cousin resents being called an idiot.

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Paul in Mich

08-30-2004 11:26:22

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Ron, Your comments lead me to ask what scientific data do you use for your frame of reference when you link rural inbreeding to safety or the lack thereof. I take great unbrage in the fact that you would even mention inbreeding in trying to make your point. The facts are that in any given year, there are approximately 70 farm related deaths to children 14 yrs of age or younger. While many of these deaths are as a result of equipment accidents which include operating or riding on tractors, combines, and other machinery, they also include falling off horses, and other animal related injuries which include urban and rural kids. There are also snowmobile and ATV deaths which arent limited to rural kids. The 2nd leading cause of death among those 14 and under is drowning which takes the lives of nearly 1,000 children each year. 50% of these deaths occurr in residential swimming pools which if only half were in non rural areas would account for 500 deaths in urban and suburban pools. In everything I have read on any of these deaths, urban or rural, I have yet to come across any data which links inbreeding to any of these statistics. Ron, you should be ashamed of yourself for making such a boneheaded irresponsible remark. Accidents of any kind are most unfortunate, and in most cases preventable, and each death is a solumn reminder that all of us need to be more safety conscious, whether we live in the city or in the country. If you want to talk about inbreeding, perhaps you should consider a separate thread on that subject.

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08-30-2004 12:12:23

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to Paul in Mich, 08-30-2004 11:26:22  
"Ron, you should be ashamed of yourself for making such a boneheaded irresponsible remark."

Takes a lot to shame an idiot.

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Paul in Mich

08-30-2004 14:47:16

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to dhermesc, 08-30-2004 12:12:23  
dhermesc, I knew I was fighting an uphill battle, but we keep trying in hopes that one day a great big lightbulb will go off in his head. I'd like to be there when it happens, but fear that one life span would negate that possibility.

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joe in Pa

08-30-2004 11:17:51

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
I remove all the guards from my equiptment. It really keeps the kids on their toes

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Jeez ... Please Stop

08-30-2004 10:32:17

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
This is a rather odd topic to argue about don't you think? Who are you trying to convince Ron?

Opinions are simply opinions. Facts are derived from scientifically researched and verified opinions. Typically you'll also need scientific consensus to have a widely accepted fact.

Still doesn't sound like this topic?

Ron, maybe tomorrow we can argue about "Why the sky is blue." Is it because the blue color is a natural atmospheric gaseous reaction to temperature, light, and quantity of specific gasses OR Is it because 2/3 of the Earth's surface is covered with water and the blue sky is a hue reflection of the surface water bounced back to Earth by the atmosphere? Be careful of your position on this topic because rainbows, while visible, are not really there at all.

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08-30-2004 10:31:40

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
My son is 10 yrs old and thats all he wants to to is go to the farm with dad? I teach him how to operate equipment and about safety around equipment. He is been learning on the tractor for about 6 months now and is getting good at it, but its all about safety he knows that if he "acts up" he wont be doing it anymore. I would much rather him grow up having a knowledge of equipment rather than be like some people my age and not any thing about tools and equipment. He has been welding for about 2 yrs and can run a pretty good bead for a 10 yr old. just my .02 worth

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08-30-2004 10:34:31

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to J-TEX, 08-30-2004 10:31:40  
And that my friend, is how you raise an inteligent, SAFE child. You teach them how to do things RIGHT. And you spend time with them. Good work! John

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ben uk

08-30-2004 10:24:12

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Im actually thinking that this may not be the real ron,

i looked in ome previous posts and he is calling himself "The RealRon" This person is calling themself "TheRealRon"

i was suspicious when i saw the "inbred farmers" statement - this person can not be a farmer!

I might be wrong, and if i am, im sorry Ron!

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steven w

08-30-2004 10:19:25

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Does that mean that we are bad dads for lettuing our kids play sports and go on mission to the inner city where they could posibley come home dead steve

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Mike M

08-30-2004 10:04:25

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
So are kids just to sit in the house and play game boy ? How are they then to learn how to operate machinery ? I guess that leaves nobody left to run our farms. On this inbred thing I think it all gets traced back to one man and one woman ----- - Adam & Eve.

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08-30-2004 09:48:53

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
I have no clue as to what your point is?

Something must have set you off & perhaps your comments would have some merrit, but a link to some govt safety page that, as usual, really doesn't say anything of any use; and your (unrelated as I can see?) tirade against farmers is rather embarassing - for you?


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Alberta Mike

08-30-2004 09:43:08

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Y'know Ron, I've been reading posts here at YT for years and I must say, very few of us even come close to you in the negative and adolescent way you make your points. Your post has a good message but somehow you've missed the diplomacy boat somewhere along the line. If you have a job, do you talk/act that way at work? Tell us a little more about yourself, maybe there is a reader out there that could help you a bit. Man, I'm getting worried about you.

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Screw the reserved names!

08-30-2004 09:41:18

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
My neighbor wouldn't allow his kids to do anything risky until they go into high school. Everone has different opinions on whats correct and whats not. I will not allow any kids to ride on my tractors, but I don't have any kids of my own either. I drove by a house the other day and saw a dad mowing his lawn with a newborn baby on his left knee and he had his left arm around it, and his right arm steering the tractor and my first thought was not about the kid slipping and falling off, but the damage getting done to his developing ears. I would not stop because it's really none of my buisness, and apparently he thinks it's alright and I probably wouldn't have amounted to anything more than creating an enemy out of the guy and him telling me to go to he11. We can't control what other people do, but we can control what we do. I keep seeing those signs "saftey starts with you" and theres certainly alot of truth to it.

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08-30-2004 09:40:43

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Ron, something else that people need to learn from their parents is tact and diplomacy. I agree 100% that an (open station) tractor is no place for a child. It never was, even though MOST of us have ridden there before, as children ourselves. HOWEVER, calling everyones fathers "stupid" is WAY out of line. Things were different years ago. If you were raised on a farm, you were expected to be a productive contibutor to the effort, by about age 9 or 10. By age 12, I was spending entire days on a tractor, plowing, raking hay, baling hay, or whatever needed done. If I wasn"t in school, I was helping dad. That"s just the way it WAS. And I"ve never heard that "in-breed" stuff.....You been hearing that often? John

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Reido in MO

08-30-2004 13:50:38

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... Hey IDF in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 08-30-2004 09:40:43  
You reckon He's been hangin with Dickhead,Ah mean Burrhead?

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Mike M

08-30-2004 10:25:26

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 08-30-2004 09:40:43  
I don"t quite totally agree with your statement an open station is no place for a child ,because a cab is no better--- you think it is but it is not. I know this from first hand experience. I have spent many an hour riding as a passenger on a fender.No problems ,lucky I guess.I did have one time when I was in a cab and flew out the door,a front end loader frame may of saved my life.And they say front end loaders are dangerous ? In looking back I should not have been there first of all,but I was,most of us have,I thought I was safer I was not. There was not as much to hold onto and the cab gave you a false sense of security so I wasn"t holding on as tight as on a fender.

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08-30-2004 10:41:23

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to Mike M, 08-30-2004 10:25:26  
Nothing is ALWAYS safe. Even a #2 pencil will kill you if you stab the right spot. A SAFE operator is SAFER in a cab. So would a rider. That"s assuming that the cab door isn"t proned to flying open. (or left open) I"ve been around people that are just flat dangerous....Then I"ve been around folks that I"d trust my life with...
My son and wife are both as careful as I am. That doesn"t mean we WON"T have an accident. It does mean we"ll THINK before doing something. That makes all the difference. John

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08-31-2004 07:18:58

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 08-30-2004 10:41:23  
thats why there called accidents, if you work on and around eq, long enough somthing will happen, its just like driveing a car or truck, keep it out on the road long enough, somthing will happen, not planned , its called a accident

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Ben in KY

08-30-2004 09:25:23

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Hmmm, well the feeling is mutual, many country folks think city folks are inbred idiots too:)

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Steve W (NY)

08-30-2004 09:20:48

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Common sense is important. A blanket statement like no riding a passenger is just silly. Endangering a child by having him/her sitting on a fender is silly. But I've ridden my kids in my lap, and later taught my kids how to drive tractors at young ages in non threatening areas (flat, nothing to hit). It's built their self confidence, kept us bonded, and been all beneficial.

I read on the Ford board about someone who's 15 year old grandkid wanted to drive the tractor. Instead of a perfect oppurtunity to bridge a generation gap or two, the owner said that they could ride together, 15 year old in his lap. Of course a 15 year old is gonna resent that and said no, and an oppurtunity was lost.

On the other hand, when I was a kid I sued to drive a baler rig, and I was too small to push the clutch, so the stacker (operator) would jump off the flat wagon, run up, jump on the tractor to turn it for me. That to me is heading fr a Darwin.

Take Care

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08-30-2004 09:03:11

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Generally agree with your post.

However, I don't think it is right to blanketly "ban" kids from being around machinery and riding on tractors with their parents.

While there is some risk there, it can be done in a manner that is beneficial to the kids, and it is the best way for them to learn.

Regardless, it is absolutely true that no child should ever be around these hazzards unsupervised. In my opinion, you will find most of the accidents occur when the kids are left alone.

Yes, there are some idiot adults doing stupid things and the accidents will continue, but aren't we all guilty of doing something stupid at least once in your lives?

Let's just use common sense is all I'm saying. There is no substitute for that.

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Here we go again

08-30-2004 08:50:46

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to TheRealRon, 08-30-2004 08:28:24  
Must this be revisited?

People will do what they want based on their own experience (inbred or not). Let Dawrin's natural selection do its thing. Those with safety in mind will gasp when they read about or see the accidents. Those with freedom in mind will simply say it was an accident.

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08-30-2004 08:53:09

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to Here we go again, 08-30-2004 08:50:46  
Supposed to read "Darwin's natural selection".

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08-30-2004 10:37:16

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 Re: To all you stupid dads... in reply to oops, 08-30-2004 08:53:09  
After the Darwin awards came out in yesterday or the day before"s post, I thought these statistics went right along with them too. Out here in the country, within reason, it"s just our way of weeding out the stupid ones. I just got done watching the Old Time Threshers Reunion in Mont Pleasant, Iowa on RFDTV, and commented several times to the little missus about the lack of any kind of shields, covers, safety signs, yellow ribbons, caution cones, hard hats, yellow vests, etc. that would make the National Safety Council have a collective heart attack, and the folks were (parish the thought) having a good time, and getting work done at the same time. I think it all goes back to the old addage, you have to be 5% smarter than what you are running. And while I am renowned for my lack of people skills down here even in the Ozarks, cause I just don"t give a @#$t what people think most of the time, RealRon, I have to agree with a lot of the other posts, you have a very negative, crude and almost nasty attitude to be around. But on the other hand, I"ll fight to the death so you have the right to your own opinion. Just my $ .02, Harley

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