Political rhetoric? I swear you read the first line and figured me for what you think I am. Mr. Bush is the master of political rhetoric. I SUPPORT OUR TROOPS, I DO NOT SUPPORT WHY WE ARE IN IRAQ . Our troops do thier duty without question. They go where they are told to go. Frankly, they have done and are doing a hell of a job in Iraq, considering the command they are under. That does nothing to diminish the fact that they SHOULD NOT BE THERE. We have not finished our business in Afghanistan and should be committing every resource available to that end. You don't milk half the cows and then go cut hay. You finish milking the cows. Had we finished our business, Bin Laden would not still be at large. Had we finished our business, we would have a healthy democracy in the armpit of the world instead of two quagmires. Let me remind you that Afghanistan is on the other side of Iran, still a very, very good position very near the Middle East. We weren't terribly interested because they had no oil and Mr. Bush had a vendetta to settle with Mr Hussein. Mr. Hussein was a monster but he had no teeth, WE KNEW THAT. Mr Bush in Kuwait in 2002 said "He tried to kill my father." I read that in Time Magazine under the quotations section. Are you a truck driver? Ever "cooked the books"? With little arm-twisting, the politicos can make the CIA and FBI "cook the books" as well. Not one of the points Mr. Bush made before the war has been proven true. You do not hear him state one of those claims today. You also do not hear him taking the blame for these falsehoods. Funny how Tenet has decided to step down. Mark - You listen to Rush. I do hope you realize he is not a true journalist by any strech of the imagination. At best, he is a political commentator with a very obvious political affiliation. Craig - you failed to give your address. I'm just north of Madison in Dane. I also drive to Lancaster several weekends a year to help family and friends on thier various farms. Let me know when you wanna meet... On my grammer, you got the gist of it, eh? Petty people attack the unimportant point to get away from addressing the important ones... Mr. Goodwrench - I am very proud of my sister and your son for their courage to stand up and defend our country. My sister tells me a very differant story of Iraq. Every time shots are fired, the Iraqi police run for their holes. The country is in chaos and the only ones here in America who don't see it are die hard Bush supporters and thier mouthpieces. Like I said, our troops are doing a good job with what they have. Problem is, they don't have enough. Maybe we should reinstate the draft. That would open a lot of people eyes. People don't tend to pay attention unless it DIRECTLY affects them or someone they know. The Administration has put a stop loss on the military. That means no one can not reenlist. They have also recalled 7000 troops that had previously retired. Mind you, these aren't reservists. They are people who have returned to civilian life for up to seven years. We are very obviously short of troops. Not something we would be dealing with if your son and my sister were where they should be - in Afghanistan. Once again, they go where they are told. No soldier holding the line in our military is being disgraced by me. They are being disgraced by Mr. Bush and his lies. RN - I was referring to the hijackers of Sept 11. As I said, Mr. Hussein was a monster. Why did we not aid the Kurds during Bush I's administration instead of letting him slaughter them and make the mass graves we found after Gulf War II? Mr. Bush I promised aid to anyone who rose up against Hussein. He never put our money where his mouth was... I did get that 30 going with just a little shot of grease. Worked like a charm for the couple acres of my grandpas rye. A 3020D handles it quite well. I bit the bullet and put a rebuilt tranny in my truck. 1400 bucks later, it better run for another 10 years. Once again for those of you who don't get it - I support our troops but do not support the war in Iraq.