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Helps me make it Through the night

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09-11-2004 22:55:29

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I am sure I am not the only one with a night job to help make ends meet. I do discing and mowing for other people during the day. But not much work in the winter, so I work the night shift 3:30 TO 12:00. I work for a large computor co. It is always nice to go the this sight during my free time, and be back on the farm again for a few minutes. I will retire in a couple years. but until then it is 3:30 to 12:00. Stan

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Chris Brown

09-12-2004 19:31:54

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to stan, 09-11-2004 22:55:29  
After reading all this, I don't have any room to complain. I drive a concrete truck $8 an hour 10 hr days,6 days a week. I have been complaining about having to be at work at 7am. I'll just shut up and be happy I have a job. Still ,this makes it hard to farm our 80 acres of beans and wheat,good thing my wife can run the combine. Hey, I bet I could haul grain in my mixer truck.

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09-12-2004 17:51:27

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to stan, 09-11-2004 22:55:29  
Work as a QC tech for an aggregate/asphalt company 55-60 hrs per week, Volunteer Fire Fighter about 20 hrs/wk, farm 40 acers and have a wife and a 3 year old. I'm tired most of the time too.

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Mark - IN.

09-12-2004 10:52:24

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to stan, 09-11-2004 22:55:29  
Helps me make it through the week nights. I lead a double life, because that's where the money is, and what needs to be done. I leave home Sunday nights headed to an over-priced rat hole in Joliet, but it gives me a place to sleep during the week for the job. When I get off work Friday evenings, throw some stuff in the truck, and head home to Bristol. Weekends are too short, seems like nothing gets done, then I head back to Joliet where I bounce off the walls thinking about what needed to get done back home and didn't, and I can't get to from Joliet. Can't drag a tractor to Joliet to fix, then drag back to Bristol. Can't get the barn or fence up from Joliet. Can't get those junk cedars cut down from Joliet. And on and on. This site helps soothe the mind and occupy time, and give some good tips from experienced farmers.

Actually, I should be home right now, but I'm on the job. The one and only time I can post while on the job. Double-time to babysit a race. So, gentlemen, lets start those engines, get this thing underway, keep those speeds up without cracking each other up, and let's get this thing over with so I can hit the interstate and head home to Bristol. I've got the week off to get a fence up. Lets get this thing over with.

And thanks YT, and to all who post. I want to get out of here and home to my family.

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09-13-2004 06:02:00

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to Mark - IN., 09-12-2004 10:52:24  
born and raised in joliet---understand what you mean about the rat hole. Have'nt spent more than two nights there since 1974 and do not miss that city at all.

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09-12-2004 08:36:45

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to stan, 09-11-2004 22:55:29  
Funny how we burn the candle at both ends to provide the unknowing, uncaring public with cheap quality food? All that work and stress with what to show for it? I worked 12 years on 12hr shifts. It was an odd schedule working only 2 or 3 shifts then 72 hours off after nights or 48 hours off after days. One week in five was a normal 40 hour days week of five days in a row. A shock to the system being "normal" for a week and then back to 4 weeks of day/nights. Regular weekends were 1-1/2x pay, overtime was 2x.. On 4x10 for the past year. It's taken that long to get back into sleeping all night as "normal". Overtime at 2x pay Sat/Sun and a blend of that for Fridays. Help afford those luxury or surprise items.

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Tim in NB

09-12-2004 19:56:15

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to buickanddeere, 09-12-2004 08:36:45  
You must have worked at a mill or factory. We have a similar schedule. It is called a 42 day cycle. Starts on a Monday. You work 3 days from 07:30-20:00, off 1 day and back in on friday night 19:30-08:00 for 4 nights. Off 8 days, then back in on the next Thursday for 4 days of 12.5 hrs. Off Monday, in Tuesday night for 3 nights of 12.5 hrs. Off friday morning then off 9 days. Come in the monday after the 9 off and work 5 days for 8 hours each. It starts all over after that weekend. Overall it is a 6 week schedule.

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09-13-2004 07:06:29

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to Tim in NB, 09-12-2004 19:56:15  
It's a Hydro Generating Station. 270 miles from the nearest city, there's a townsite here, but most of us live elsewhere.

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Tim in NB

09-13-2004 21:11:55

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to Stick, 09-13-2004 07:06:29  
Hey, that"s where I work, a generating station!

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John M

09-12-2004 07:34:45

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to stan, 09-11-2004 22:55:29  
Dont complain,youre working.There are some that would love just to have a job!(Like me)

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Dan in Ore

09-12-2004 03:27:49

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to stan, 09-11-2004 22:55:29  
I've been at the same place for 27 years. Worked all shifts. At one point I was working 10-12 hours 6 and 7 days a week. The paychecks were great, but not the family life. Now that the family is pretty much gone except for the wife of 32 years, I am back to working 10 hour days (4:30 AM to 3:00 PM) 4 days a week (Monday through Thursday). I love it.

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09-12-2004 13:39:11

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to Dan in Ore, 09-12-2004 03:27:49  
Sounds like my life exactly, I have worked for the same computor co. for over 30 years.I worked mostly nights, and also missed a lot of family things. Girls are gone now, but live close. One is a fire fighter for the city of San Digo, and the other is a teacher. Just my wife of 33 years, and the cats,dogs, chickens, emu's, and horses, are home now. Stan

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09-12-2004 01:40:05

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to stan, 09-11-2004 22:55:29  
I am working 1 part time job during the day, & a full time job from 5pm - 3:30am Mon - Thurs. Typically about 60 hours a week + farm 400 acres. Somedays its tuff to get out of bed! I'm with You. Scotty

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09-11-2004 23:50:30

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to stan, 09-11-2004 22:55:29  
I work full time as a sprayer for an agronomy center in Deforest, WI. This time of year it's kinda slow so I take unpaid leave and go to a local seed corn company to run field equipment. It's an 60-95 hour work week but the paychecks are nice. They once had me running dump cart from 4:00 am to 2:00 am the next day. I was glad it was only once.

If only one could still make a living on 40-60 milking head and 300 acres....

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john in la

09-12-2004 04:10:20

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to farmerboybill, 09-11-2004 23:50:30  
Was talking to a frind a few months ago about his dairy.
We do not do it the way you guys up north do it as we milk 80-100 cows on 100 acres. We have only fenced pasture and do not grow any crops. In fact the ones that have lasted in the dairy bussiness have been leaning toward the big 3-400 cow setup.
Any way my friend told me it cost him $13.50 to get milk out the door. Based on the current market price that is not a bad deal. While he is not getting rich by any means he is at least making a living now compaired to a few years ago.

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09-12-2004 05:55:41

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to john in la, 09-12-2004 04:10:20  
That's what I mean. It's go big or go home. My dad built a 60 cow tie stall barn in 1980. At that time, you could still make a moderate wage on 60 head. If the barn and herd hadn't been lost in a fire, I might be trying to make a go of it.

I don't want 300 head. Too much extra labor needed for that many. I want enough work for me and my wife and whatever we decide for kids. That's not possible today unless you owe nothing and never make a mistake.

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09-12-2004 00:24:45

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to farmerboybill, 09-11-2004 23:50:30  
Did seed corn harvest about 25 years back. Blaney seed at that time. Field work started about sunup when dew off corn so pickers wouldn't jam, stopped at night when fog came back- picking to beat frost that would hurt seed viability. 4440 JD with cab and Motorala radio. Picked Oconamowoc, Dells, Spring Green, Madison area. Testing Gasahol from Cenex in shop trucks- worried about fuel filter clogs in c20s. RN.

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09-11-2004 23:17:58

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to stan, 09-11-2004 22:55:29  
ZZZZZ zzzzz zz..... ..... ...

Lot of nights I could't sleep!!!
right now it's 1am.

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09-11-2004 23:05:26

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to stan, 09-11-2004 22:55:29  
Another Bat shift worker. I work until 05:00 morning friday, 06:00 weekends, 12/13 hour shifts. RN.

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john in la

09-12-2004 03:55:11

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to RN, 09-11-2004 23:05:26  
A shift worker????? ?
Try this shift.....
6AM to 6PM for 2 days.....then
6PM to 6AM for 2 days.....then
off 2 days
do that for 3 months then you get to change to
4 days 6PM to 6AM
off 2 days
for 3 months then go to
4 days 6AM to 6PM
off 2 days
then you start all over again.

I am on the 1st one right now.
Need a caluclator to figure out if I am suppose to be awake or sleeping right now.

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09-19-2004 05:15:58

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to john in la, 09-12-2004 03:55:11  

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09-12-2004 08:42:54

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 Re: Helps me make it Through the night in reply to john in la, 09-12-2004 03:55:11  
I work shift too. for many years was 7 days, one off, 7 evenings, one off, 7 nights, 3 off.

Lately, I work all 12's, 7 to 7. 3 days, 24 hrs off, 4 nights, 9 days off. 4 days, 24 hrs off, 3 nights, 10 days off. Repeat forever. May sound great to some, but it's 450 miles from home so 2 of the days off are spent driving. And being alone for 8 days at a time bites too.

I would LOVE to have a job where I could be home every night (or day), but in my trade, just ain't gonna happen!

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