Common Sense ????? ????? ???? I guess you could say that many do not have it but look at the records and it is no worse than any where else.Take my area of New Orleans La. We were hit a few times from 1900 to 1915. Then it went into a lull until Betsy gave us a direct hit with a Category 3 in 1965. We then got in the outer bands of Camille a Category 5 that hit the Miss. coast in 1969. We have had some close calls and minor hits but nothing to talk about since 1969. We are now back up on the upswing this year and it may last for a few years then it will be back down. So that is what every 50 years. Look at what the 50 year flood did to the towns along the Mississippi river around St. Louis. Building a house on a barrier island is no different than building on the side of a known volcano/ Delta flood plains of the Miss. river/ the fault line where Calif. will one day break off and make Az. the west coast/ the tornado alley corn fields of Ill/ the wind driven snow drifts of Wy./ the dust bowl of Ks./ ect. ect. ect ..... ..... We at least get a few days warning so we can get ourselves out of harms way. We do like everyone else. Pray for the best. Pay our insurance and taxes (fema) so that when a tornado hits some one in Ill. they can rebuild and get on with their lives. So that when the big one does give us a direct hit we can look to this guy in Ill to do the same for us. Depending on your situation YOU..... 1) Do like every one else. You cry; you ask why me; then you put it behind you clean up; rebuild and get on with life. OR 2)While you do not what to feel morbid you are glad it was not you that got hit and pray for those that lost every thing. You donate your time/money to those that lost and know in your heart they will do the same for you one day.