A couple of guys mentioned some good cheap tests. Loosen the gas cap, will tell you if vent is clogged. Another was vapor lock. You said that the fuel line runs close to the manifold, but was never a problem before, so probably isn't now. Don't count it out. If the tractor is running hot or overheating, even if not, gasoline could be boiling and evaporating before gets to the carb. Check those fuel lines closely, especially where are closest to the manifold. Look for blisters. It happened to me once, and the vapor lock was just a symptom of a larger problem, a burned valve, and the engine was overheating. I hope is something simple like a gas cap vent. But you also mentioned that you cleaned up the electrodes/posts in the cap and it ran better. Dirt in the cap could be causing arching and misdirecting the spark away from the proper electrode/post. A piece of dirt in the fuel system that gets sucked up to a jet then falls away when not under pressure. Simple things. Your comment on cleaning the cap seems as good an indicator as any. Perhaps a new cap, or clean the old one really well, first. Good luck. Probably a simple fix. My sister told me yesterday that the lift arms on the three point on her Deere just began slowly dropping on their own. As a joke I asked her if she's checked the tire pressure. She made me proud when she asked "What's that got anything to do with anything", then called me a moron. She's learnin and that's what I wanted to hear, and she sure made me proud!!! We'll look at them this weekend.