Howdy folks,Had to relay a little happening I had about dusk today as I was finishing up some work in the hayfield. Had the JD R and my rotary cutter out bustin up some windrows of hay that got rained on a while back. A good noisy and dusty fun time for sure. Well, my neighbor and friend up the road came out just before I started in with his nephews. They were gonna set up shop in their stands to watch his dad's alfalfa field next to the house. As most deer hunters around home can atest, the deer become pretty much invisible when the season starts. Well, such was the case tonight. So, after supper I fired up the R and just knew those boys would get unhappy at me for makin a lot of racket. Well, I needed to finish so I started anyway. Oh what a noisy time. Well, about the last run through on a windrow I looked in the corner of this field (now, this is a field diagonal to the one they are pacing for deer mind you) and low and behold out of the woods step two does, a youngin, and a big ole buck. They just mosey on from this field into my ankle high alfalfa and start munchin. Payin no mind to the old diesel a thudin away. I laughed for probably five minutes at the thought. Here I am makin about as much noise as I can and there are deer just munchin away while these three boys sit all quiet as can be and no deer are in sight. I guess that old Deere two cylinder makes an excellent deer call ha ha. God bless. --old fashioned farmer p.s. Get well soon Kim. Prayin for ya. You do a great job here. We may be big boys but we still need "mom" sometimes don't we. lol.