I did that not long ago. They were carbon fouled. I had this problem with the float not floating. My parts man says that the spring I had in there counteracting the bouyancy of the float was not supposed to be there. What he said was - I've never seen one there before. I had black sludge forming on the lift arm too. Parts man said, and I forget which way, turn the idle screw in another turn. I did that, it helped. The problem is one is supposed to adjust this carb by sound. Something like turn this in until the engine runs rough, and then back out half a turn. Unless you know what runs rough is supposed to sound like, how do you know? One day somebody is going to record it and I'll be able to down load it as an mp3 or a .wav file. But I haven't seen it yet. About five miles down gravel roads through the outback is a tractor repair shop. It's first come first served and your tractor has to sit out in the rain while waiting. But I think Albert may have to make the trip. Dad named him Albert.