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Tractor Talk Discussion Forum

Kerry Question

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Allan in NE

10-15-2004 09:39:58

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Has anyone ever wondered why there was always a video camera following Mr. Kerry around while he was in such great danger while being the big hero overseas?

Sure can't remember a camera following any of the rest of us during that time.

Why was there a camera always around during his college days? Why was there always a camera around while he was trying to "stop the slaughter"?

Why was there NEVER a camera around while he was wastin’ away doin’ his “public service” and voting hard left?

This guy is an opportunist of the highest caliber and ya can spot a phony a mile away.


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10-15-2004 18:46:31

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Mark from Massachusetts , 10-15-2004 18:04:26  
My wife is from Haverhill. Her mother still lives there. She hates the war but has no use for either one of her senators. She'll vote for Bush.

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Paul in Mich

10-15-2004 16:18:45

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
Allan, I also have some questions regarding Mr. Kerry. #1, In his last debate, he told us that his own mother gave this advice. "Integrety, Integrety, Integrety". Why didnt he get get it the first time, instead she had to remind him twice more. #2, Why,in 20 years in congress was he never in a leadership role. His party held the balance of power in both houses for 12 years of that 20 years, yet his own party constituants never once felt he had the leadership qualities necessary to appoint him chairman of any committee or commission he served on. So what makes them and himself think he has displayed the leadership nece4ssary to be President? #3, How does he and his campaign manager think it is fair game to drag the children of ones opponent into the campaign wars as he and Edwards did Dick Chaney"s daughters. Have they become this morally bankrupt as to think it is OK? How would he have reacted had it been President Bush who did a similar thing to one of Kerry"s daughters? #4, Just who"s money does Mr. Kerry plan to spend for all his Plans? I think that every time we hear "I have a plan", we need to add these words. "I have a plan and it is going to cost YOU money" or "I have a plan, and I"m going to spend YOUR money to pay for it" "I have a plan and it means I"m going to raise YOUR taxes" #5, Just exact6ly what intellegence service does Mr. Kerry plan on relying on when making a decision of global magnatude? Does he plan on using the same intellegence he used to discover the timber business he claimed Pres. bush owned? Isn"t that a scary thought? $6. Who was that who was impersonating Mr. Kerry all those times he called Pres. Bush a Liar or said he was Lying, since we all saw and heard him tell Mr. Bush face to face that he never used the "L" word in describing the President. Just who was that man? #7. Of all the awards, medals, and recognition Mr. Kerry has recieved, which is he most proud of, the Purple hearts given for self inflicted wounds, the silver star he personally applied for, or the picture of himself so prominately displayed in the City of Hanoi? I"m sure he has a favorite. $8. By what moral authority does he imply that my grandson and the rest of our brave soldiers are nothing but a bunch of chumps fighting the "wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time"? $9. If outsourcing is so bad, why is it ok for h.J. Heinz to have 57 different business units in foreign countries using the same cheap foreign labor he finds unacceptable for other U.S. Companies? a follow up to that question is what do we tell all the companies who insource jobs here in the Us? Are they to immediately pack up and leave? #10. If Taxes for the rich is such a good idea, why is it ok for his wife Thresa and himself to pay less than 13% wheras most working men and women pay far more, some up to 50%? Do the Tax loopholes only apply to them? I have more questions, but I"ll keep within the spirit of David Letterman"s magic number by limiting them to my own "TOP 10".

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10-15-2004 18:04:22

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Paul in Mich, 10-15-2004 16:18:45  
Hey Paul,

You 'da MAN!!!!


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10-15-2004 18:20:27

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Jared in VT, 10-15-2004 16:30:32  
You would have to remind me of this. Maybe not if the worse happens and Kerry wins this time though. That means he will be running for reelection in 08 and it will be Ms C in 12. The future looks bleak. I hope we can get some good conservatives who can beat these two or things will go all to Hel*.

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10-15-2004 18:24:57

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Paul in Mich, 10-15-2004 16:43:21  
Condellessa Rice has always impressed me with her manner and knowledge. I think she would be a fine choise for VP and maybe later for President.

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10-15-2004 16:15:11

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
ben franklin said "in a democracy people get the government they deserve"

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10-15-2004 21:07:32

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to jfky, 10-15-2004 16:15:11  
In the bible GOD says:

people get the Government "I" give them!

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10-16-2004 04:36:00

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Commenter, 10-15-2004 21:07:32  
I have read the bible all the way through and cannot recoginize that scripture as stated in that form-although I believe the spirit of your comment exists in that god sometimes allow things to happen in order to build character and allow a spiritual growth to occur. thanks

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10-16-2004 19:57:00

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to jfky, 10-16-2004 04:36:00  
its in the area where GOD"s telling Isreal that He brought Nebeconezar (SP) to power to punish them.

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10-15-2004 15:17:59

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
This thread has been a bit more political than I care for. I think I get enough of this in the papers, on the television and elsewhere. See ya'll in December(maybe).

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Paul in Mich

10-15-2004 16:29:58

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Zane(WA), 10-15-2004 15:17:59  
Zane, Zane..... ...come back Zane..... .Oops, that was Shane. Oh well, we"ll miss you till December, (maybe).

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Jerry M.

10-15-2004 14:57:55

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
John Kerry is the first (so called) war hero that I remember going around trying to make people believe he was a war hero. But who am I to have an opinion, I fulfilled by legal obligation by serving in the Army Reserv for 6 years. But I do know men that were shot up in Nam , stayed monts in a hospital and were sent right back to Nam.

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Jerry M

10-15-2004 14:40:47

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
I just heard on cnn that 64% of active military families are for Pres. Bush.
I plan to vote for Bush, if a president needs to get approval from all the world leaders that don't like us, as Kerry plans to do, before he acts to defend our country what good is he

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lucas boy

10-15-2004 13:56:20

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
its like a baseball game that lasts a year,the election that is.my uncle was a pow in nam when kerry and jane fonda were weaving their web.. he said the were beaten and starved because of them. if you look at a politicians record, and what he is sayng dont match ,you can bet he is saying anything he can to win weather he beleives it or not.since when do you believe a guy when he blows smoke in your ear that dont match his past actions?thats stupid. i vote but am not preoccupied with it.it can drive wedges in freindships and buisiness.people that come in my shop stirring up politics get shown the door,no matter what side they are on. i would not post on this subject here but now that its a political group,,hey watcha gonna do... lucas usmc ret.

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10-15-2004 14:43:23

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to lucas boy, 10-15-2004 13:56:20  
Beaten because of Kerry and Fonda now thats a stretch.

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John K

10-19-2004 16:16:02

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to tlak, 10-15-2004 14:43:23  
I guess you don't remember the name Jane got during her trip to nam "US TRAITOR BITCH". After POW slipped messages on paper to her when they shook hands, she turned them over to the pow camp people which in turn beat and starved the pows for trying to get info out.

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10-15-2004 14:53:05

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to tlak, 10-15-2004 14:43:23  
If you think that's a stretch, read anything that comes from any of the former POWs. I have personally talked and have had my and my wife's picture taken with Senator John McCain, and you can still see the scars and malformed hands the man has lived with all this time, and He said the same thing. When the North thought they had us on the ropes because the peaceniks at home were marching, they stepped up the abuse because they thought they could get away with it. Those guys are heros to the utmost to me for their perserverence and anyone who discredits or makes disparaging remarks about them needs to go hide in a 6x9 black room for 5-6 years and see how it comes out. Disgusted, Harley

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10-15-2004 15:03:53

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Harley, 10-15-2004 14:53:05  
I cant make up stuff as fast as you'll. Now you have Kerry with the likes of Fonda. Give me a break

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lucas boy

10-15-2004 17:56:27

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to tlak, 10-15-2004 15:03:53  

my uncle doesnt lie, and neither do i. lucas

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10-15-2004 13:34:41

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
What, ketchup man is still in the running? I thought he pretty much stepped on his own you know what in that last debate.

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Ben in KY

10-15-2004 13:20:46

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
Get a life Allan. think of something important like tractors.

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10-15-2004 12:17:19

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
Bush Cheney 04 Farm & Ranch Team

Thank goodness GW appreciates farming and all the hard work farmers and ranchers do, i'd like to see lurch try to operate a tractor or combine!!!!

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Paul in Mich

10-15-2004 16:49:29

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to mitch2, 10-15-2004 12:17:19  
Mitch, Kerry still thinks ketsup comes from bottles instead of a tomato plant. He wouldnt understand a Tractor or combine even if Mr. Rogers tried to explain it to him.

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10-15-2004 17:09:09

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Paul in Mich, 10-15-2004 16:49:29  
Paul in Mich, i've read all of your responces and thank goodness you understand why we are over there, i don't care if he had WMD or not, fact is he was killing his own people like hitler was, back then it was just awful but now people show symphany for saddam....come on. and all this talk about solders getting killed, if 15 a day get killed over there, we might as well stop driving cars over here cause a heck of alot more people die on the highways each day than is getting killed over there. one last thing...gas prices, 2.01 a gallon is high????? the average car gets 18 miles to a gallon...think of it this way..would you walk 18 miles if i paid you $2.01??? NO WAY Gas is pretty cheap when you think of it that way!

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10-15-2004 11:29:35

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
Fact is both Bush and Cheney, when their country needed them, had "other priorities". Cheney had five deferments and Bush flew the dangerous skies of Texas (when he wasn't AWOL). How many died in their places in Vietnam? You can have your opinion (and you seem to voice it quite regularly), but I do not want a couple of draft dodgers turned hawks sending any more of America's finest to die in the Bush/Cheney War.

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John (MO)

10-15-2004 13:47:20

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to JYD, 10-15-2004 11:29:35  
If Kerry gets in the white house we'll have terrorist right here in the citys and towns of the United States. He won't fight them on their turf, he'll wait till they come here, and then you'll have not only American soldiers dieing but mothers and children as well. No thanks, Kerry will never get in the white house as long as those with common sense stand up and vote his a$$ back to Kennedyville. If he were ever elected president the joint chiefs would have to b!tch slap him and take over the country to keep it from being ruled by france.

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big fred

10-15-2004 13:15:24

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to JYD, 10-15-2004 11:29:35  
The Texas ANG was part of the NORAD interceptor force. They were charged with defense of the United States in case of Soviet attack. At the time, there was something called the Cold War, perhaps you've heard of it. Which was a greater threat to the United States, Vietnam or the Soviet Union, at that time?

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Ben in KY

10-15-2004 13:19:44

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to big fred, 10-15-2004 13:15:24  
How could he intercept anything, was on drugs so skipped physical and lost flying status.

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10-15-2004 13:33:05

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Ben in KY, 10-15-2004 13:19:44  
Now you have gone and ruined Big Fred's day. All along Big Fred thought that Bush was a 'serious' part of the Guard. Drugs, huh? So, do you think that is why he "refused" to follow a direct order and get a physical? No, please say it isn't so. Sorry, Big Fred.

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big fred

10-15-2004 14:23:32

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to JYD, 10-15-2004 13:33:05  
Guess he musta got his four hunnert active flyin' hours (some reports say up to 570 hours) in some other branch of the service. BTW, he was in the active duty USAF for 120 days during flight training. If he only had 400 hrs in 4 years, though, I doubt it was much more than 80-100 while he was on the USAF payroll.

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Dan H

10-15-2004 13:42:43

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to JYD, 10-15-2004 13:33:05  
As for being AWOL, Kerry has his own questions to answer about his service.

First off, he NEVER volunteered to join the Navy, he enlisted in the Inactive Naval Reserve officer train corp. Unfortunately for Kerry his attempts to avoid active duty came to naught when his unit was activated. Upon activation he initially served on a frigate the made a port call into Vietnam (his first tour that lsted less then 24 hours) then the ship left for the states for a overhaul. He then volunteered for the Swift Boats, this action is best explained in his own words:

Kerry told the Boston Globe last year, "I didn't really want to get involved in the war. When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling...."

After finding out that the swift boats where doing some REAL fighting he grabbed up three Purple Hearts (his own campaign admits at least one is fake) and ran back to the states after 4 months. He then petitioned to be released from active two years early so that he could pursue his career as a politician. He was also supposed to be serving in the active reserve as a condition of his release from active duty.

Not one sailor has ever come forward that confirms that Kerry reported for duty. Nor has Kerry ever released his military records to "prove" that he served out his enlistment.

His own discharge paper posted on JohnKerry.com reveals there where issues surrounding his discharge from the reserves. The document is a form cover letter in the name of the Carter administration's secretary of the Navy, W. Graham Claytor. It describes Mr. Kerry's discharge as being subsequent to the review of "a board of officers." This in it self is unusual. There is nothing about an ordinary honorable discharge action in the Navy that requires a review by a board of officers.

According to the secretary of the Navy's document, the "authority of reference" this board was using in considering Mr. Kerry's record was "Title 10, U.S. Code Section 1162 and 1163. "This section refers to the grounds for involuntary separation from the service. What was being reviewed, then, was Mr. Kerry's involuntary separation from the service. And it couldn't have been an honorable discharge, or there would have been no point in any review at all.

The document is dated February 16, 1978. But Mr. Kerry's military commitment began with his six-year enlistment contract with the Navy on February 18, 1966. His commitment should have terminated in 1972. It is highly unlikely that either the man who at that time was a Vietnam Veterans Against the War leader, John Kerry, requested or the Navy accepted an additional six year reserve commitment.

The Claytor document indicates proceedings to reverse a less than honorable discharge that took place sometime prior to February 1978. The most routine time for Mr. Kerry's discharge would have been at the end of his six-year obligation, in 1972.

The "board of officers" review reported in the Claytor document is even more extraordinary because it came about "by direction of the President." No normal honorable discharge requires the direction of the president. The president at that time was James Carter. This adds another twist to the story of Mr. Kerry's hidden military records.

Mr. Carter's first act as president was a general amnesty for draft dodgers and other war protesters. Less than an hour after his inauguration on January 21, 1977, while still in the Capitol building, Mr. Carter signed Executive Order 4483 empowering it. By the time it became a directive from the Defense Department in March 1977 it had been expanded to include other offenders who may have had general, bad conduct, dishonorable discharges, and any other discharge or sentence with negative effect on military record.

After demands for Bush to release all of his military records, the press had been reduced to counterfeiting documents in attempt to defame the president. In the mean time Kerry keeps his under lock an key, as he runs as a "war Hero".

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10-15-2004 15:01:29

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Dan H, 10-15-2004 13:42:43  

Come up with your own words. Looks and sounds like something you copied and pasted. Gee, I wonder what impartial source this information came from (and of course it can all be documented)? Why is it that Bush/
Cheney can't run on their record? Why do they have to run a campaign to denegrate the opponent? Could it be they don't have a record to run on? Well, I guess they could tell us that they were responsible for the deaths of almost 1100 young Americans that they sent to fight their illegal war. These are young Americans that didn't run and hide like Bush and Cheney. B&C did run, and B&C did hide. Oh, so very brave.

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Paul in Mich

10-15-2004 15:18:38

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to JYD, 10-15-2004 15:01:29  
JYD, Are you in the military? Are you in Iraq? Is your Butt on the line? Until it is, I have to wonder how you can have the audacity to besmirch, minimize and otherwise imply that our soldiers are a bunch of chumps, fighting for no worthwhile reason for a cowardly cause, because that is exactly what you and everyone else are doing to these brave men. You treat them as though they have no free will, yet they volunteered to serve their country in whatever capacity that committment took them. Is the most you can do for them is imply that they are a bunch of mindless chumps? Shame on you. If you don"t want to fight for your own freedom, that is your choice, and I will never chastize you for it, but the very least you and others of similar mind can do is get the heck out of the way and let those who are willing to fight for your freedom do their JOB. How soon some folks forget 9/11.

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10-15-2004 18:41:09

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Paul in Mich, 10-15-2004 15:18:38  

I suggest you reread all of my posts on this thread and please point out to me where I made any negative comments about our troops. The fact is I did not say (or imply) any of the things you assert. The fact is I have only the greatest respect for the American men and women that defend our country when called upon to do so. I stand behind the statements I have made, my words speak for themselves.

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Paul in Mich

10-15-2004 19:13:32

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to JYD, 10-15-2004 18:41:09  
JYD, You and I agree on one thing. Your words speak for themseves. They are words that would tend to make a reasonable man want to puke his guts out. When you say that our soldiers are fighting an "illegal" war under the command of a "coward", you are indeed doing everything I alluded to and then some. By your very defination, you make our brave soldiers out to be chumps and nothing more than goons for the commanders they serve..... .tell me how that translates into the "respect" you claim to display. I would love to hear it. Yes indeed, your words do speak volumns.

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Ben in KY

10-15-2004 18:30:03

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Paul in Mich, 10-15-2004 15:18:38  
Well Bush seems to have forgotten all about those responsible for 9-11. What ever happened to Afganistan and his old business buddy? Bin laden anyway ? Even Bush ahs admitted to no direct links to 9-11 and Iraq...but then hea has fili flpooed several times on the subject LOL.

I do support the troops, they just have no choice what the dummy does with them. I actually activly support the troops through getting care packages together and helping some wives and children in my county whose husbands are over there. Waht do you DO ? Just flap your lips ? and repeat everything Bush says. Do something origional think a little.

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10-15-2004 12:06:06

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to JYD, 10-15-2004 11:29:35  
Yeh but ya gotta admit that while President Bush was in the guard in Texas, no gooks invaded the embasy in Dallas>

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10-15-2004 13:38:07

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to oldster, 10-15-2004 11:48:48  
As for being AWOL, Kerry has his own questions to answer about his service.

First off, he NEVER volunteered to join the Navy, he enlisted in the Naval Reserve officer train corp, a year later his unit was activated. Upon activation he served on a frigate the made a port call into Vietnam (his supposed first tour) then left for the states for a overhaul. He then volunteered for the Swift Boats, this actin is best explained in his own words:

Kerry told the Boston Globe last year, "I didn't really want to get involved in the war. When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling...."

After finding out that the swift boats where doing some REAL fighting he grabbed up three Purple Hearts (his own campaign admits at least one is fake) and ran back to the states after 4 months. He then petitioned to be released from active two years early so that he could pursue his career as a politician. He was also supposed to be serving in the active reserve as a condition of his release from activie duty.

Not one sailor has ever come forward that confirms that Kerry reported for duty. Nor has Kerry ever released his military records to "prove" that he served out his enlistment.

His own discharge paper posted on JohnKerry.com reveals there where issues surrounding his discharge from the reserves. The document is a form cover letter in the name of the Carter administration's secretary of the Navy, W. Graham Claytor. It describes Mr. Kerry's discharge as being subsequent to the review of "a board of officers." This in it self is unusual. There is nothing about an ordinary honorable discharge action in the Navy that requires a review by a board of officers.

According to the secretary of the Navy's document, the "authority of reference" this board was using in considering Mr. Kerry's record was "Title 10, U.S. Code Section 1162 and 1163. "This section refers to the grounds for involuntary separation from the service. What was being reviewed, then, was Mr. Kerry's involuntary separation from the service. And it couldn't have been an honorable discharge, or there would have been no point in any review at all.

The document is dated February 16, 1978. But Mr. Kerry's military commitment began with his six-year enlistment contract with the Navy on February 18, 1966. His commitment should have terminated in 1972. It is highly unlikely that either the man who at that time was a Vietnam Veterans Against the War leader, John Kerry, requested or the Navy accepted an additional six year reserve commitment.

The Claytor document indicates proceedings to reverse a less than honorable discharge that took place sometime prior to February 1978. The most routine time for Mr. Kerry's discharge would have been at the end of his six-year obligation, in 1972.

The "board of officers" review reported in the Claytor document is even more extraordinary because it came about "by direction of the President." No normal honorable discharge requires the direction of the president. The president at that time was James Carter. This adds another twist to the story of Mr. Kerry's hidden military records.

Mr. Carter's first act as president was a general amnesty for draft dodgers and other war protesters. Less than an hour after his inauguration on January 21, 1977, while still in the Capitol building, Mr. Carter signed Executive Order 4483 empowering it. By the time it became a directive from the Defense Department in March 1977 it had been expanded to include other offenders who may have had general, bad conduct, dishonorable discharges, and any other discharge or sentence with negative effect on military record.

After demands for Bush to release all of his military records, the press had been reduced to counterfeiting documents in attempt to defame the president. In the mean time Kerry keeps his under lock an key, as he runs as a "war Hero".

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10-15-2004 16:28:33

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to DanH, 10-15-2004 13:38:07  
Wasnt that the order that enabled Bill Clintoon to shed his fed. felony conviction and run in arkansas politics.???

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Paul in Mich

10-15-2004 15:07:22

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to JYD, 10-15-2004 13:26:55  
JYD, How much courage does it take for someone who is still under military obligation to go to Paris and consort with the enemy of the U.S.? Having a picture of Kerry in Hanoi may make him a hero there, but your definition of an American Hero needs reexamined. Heros do not sell their country out to another country ever, even if they disagree with its mission at the time.

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10-15-2004 10:57:14

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
This dont have nothing to do with Kerry,but did you know that today the average person is caught at least 7 times a day on a survalince camera?

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10-15-2004 11:03:07

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Mugway , 10-15-2004 10:57:14  
That's just the average people! You can only immagine what a good looking guy like me has to deal with!

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10-15-2004 12:09:37

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Sloroll, 10-15-2004 11:03:07  
Your lucky,they used my mug to make new safty films." This could be you" LOL

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10-15-2004 10:52:54

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
I've been kinda wondering about this very topic myself. It seems that Kerry has been groomed for his roll for most of his life. (Not at all UNLIKE William Jefferson "Slick Willie" Clintoon) Is that the norm for the Dumbo-ktattes from now on?

He even made a TV appearance on the popular show "Cheers" back in the early 90's.

The only part of the script that he hasn't rehersed, nor is he ready for, is the sound thrashing he'll take on Nov. 2nd.

Hero my eye..... John

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Mike (WA)

10-15-2004 10:32:48

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
Because deep in his heart, Kerry has always known that one day he would be President! A "friend of a friend" was on duty in the military medical facility where Kerry went for treatment for one of the injuries that would eventually lead to one of his Purple Hearts. The injury was basically a large sliver in his arm, that he could have pulled out himself and dobbed some iodine on, and been done with it. The reason the person remembered the incident was not for the injury, but for the fact that John boy was telling everyone who would listen that he was the heir apparent to the Massachusetts political dynasty of the Kennedy family, and to mark that day in their memories, because he would one day be a moving force in American politics. It made an impression on this guy, who said frankly, he thought John was a blip or so out of plumb at the time.

I would also add that joining the Navy was not for those who wanted to be war heros- that distinction was for enlistees in the Army and Marines. Those of us who were trying to stay stateside looked first at the National Guard and Reserves, and failing that, the Navy, as that was the active duty branch thought least likely to draw dangerous duty in Viet Nam. This is certainly not meant to denigrate Navy service, as that was certainly an honorable way to serve one's country, as were the Guard and Reserves. I am bothered by the implications in Kerry's statements that he volunteered to fight, however, because I would be willing to bet that the Swift boats in Nam were the last thing on his mind when he signed up.

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10-15-2004 11:21:05

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Mike (WA), 10-15-2004 10:32:48  
Your "volunteer to fight" phrase goes well with your swift boat idea. These two events were also planned, or least well thought out.

Kerry's first "tour" was offshore in some supply shipping duty. That wasn't close enough to be able to say, in the future, that he was in combat, hence the volunteering for the swift boats. The swift boats were IN country but at the time were NOT an active combat mission. Their mission was to patrol and check local transport.

The meeting that was held in Saigon shortly after Kerry was on the swift boats with the admirals was to change that. The swift boats were given an active combat mission and beings this may cause pain or death to the dear officier kerry the only honorable way out was to be wounded out so he could live to be president.

Kerry was and still is always in close contact with the Kennedy's. Way back, The Kennedy son that was killed in the plane explosion in WWII was suppose to be the president. John was. Robert was well on his way to be when he was killed. Then Edward ruined his chances with that car wreck off the bridge. These people are patient. They also plan lives for decades.

There is much we don't know about this election but they just are not doing a good job of keeping all the questionable stuff bottled up.

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10-15-2004 11:13:41

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Mike (WA), 10-15-2004 10:32:48  
I've never heard that spin on hero logic ARMY/MARINE vs NAVY. Don't use that logic around WWII vets.

Bush/Cheney avoided the war(cowards or smart? based on the results I'd say smart) and Kerry went its history. What Kerry said after the war, about his fellow soliders is what he should be held accountable for.


Total casualties Navy/Marines WWII
Navy 34607 Marine 17376 Total 51983

GO Navy!

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Mike (WA)

10-17-2004 09:33:59

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to GO NAVY, 10-15-2004 11:13:41  
Has nothing to do with WWII- only Vietnam. The logic was that if you did get to 'Nam in the Navy, you would be offshore lobbing ordinance onshore, and they didn't really have anything big enough to shoot back at you. And of course, no Vietcong navy to engage you directly. I recall the discussions with my Army ROTC frat brothers in '68, bemoaning the fact that WSU didn't have a Navy ROTC.

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Bus Driver

10-15-2004 16:28:29

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to GO NAVY, 10-15-2004 11:13:41  
Ask any WWII vet now and most likely that person will say that all who were in a uniform were heroes. Yes- GO NAVY!

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big fred

10-15-2004 11:05:11

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Mike (WA), 10-15-2004 10:32:48  
I believe Mr Kerry joined the Naval Reserve in 1966 when he entered OCS. He ended up serving in active duty in the Navy in Vietnam. This is according to the Boston Globe.

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10-15-2004 11:34:24

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to big fred, 10-15-2004 11:05:11  
I'm not a Kerry fan but I am a fan of not spreading lies or half truths. Kerry enlisted in the Navy (1968 or there abouts) and requested combat duty. He was in the Naval Reserve in the early 70's.
(Trying to follow another JFK's path?)

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10-15-2004 13:46:53

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to GO NAVY, 10-15-2004 11:34:24  
According to his own website (actually contains the discharge paper from the reserves to the active duty). He enlisted in the inactive reserve's officer trainig corp, his unit was later activiated. He never volunteered for active duty.

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big fred

10-15-2004 12:39:02

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 Sorry to post the truth, but in reply to GO NAVY, 10-15-2004 11:34:24  
Kerry enlisted in the Naval Reserve 18 Feb, 1966
Status changes to active duty Navy 16 December 1966
Assigned to USS Gridley June 1967 to July 1968 in Pacific between California and Australia with a 5 week stop in Vietnam. Shipped out to Vietnam 17 November 1968 for Swift Boat duty.

I've posted a link to his enlistment contract from his own website. Now, since it's from his website, I suppose I can understand why you think it's a lie.

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10-15-2004 10:21:02

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
They didn't have Video camera's then. Just Wannabees

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Allan in NE

10-15-2004 09:57:14

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to PULEEZE !!!, 10-15-2004 09:53:15  
Naw, not me. This is fun. :>)

And to be honest with ya, I wish the whole darned thing was over with too. It's kinda tiring, 'taint it? Sure brings out the worst in folks, that's for sure! :>)

Have a good one, Ya'll,


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10-15-2004 10:18:06

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:57:14  
Look buddy, Ya'll is a Texas term. Don't want nonna ya'll yankees a stealin it. LOL.


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Allan in NE

10-15-2004 10:23:30

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to txblu, 10-15-2004 10:18:06  

Stepped on it again. :<(



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10-15-2004 09:49:17

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Allan in NE, 10-15-2004 09:39:58  
It seems there is always and has always been a camera following me around too... However, I am really good looking.

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Allan in NE

10-15-2004 10:01:32

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Sloroll, 10-15-2004 09:49:17  
Well Sure,

Silly me; I forgot about you. :>)

Hmmmm, that sure explains why there is never one around me too. :>(

Have ya checked that old car lately? LOL!


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Jerry Cent. Mi.

10-15-2004 15:30:21

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to JFKerry, 10-15-2004 10:17:33  
Kerry has insulted most of our oil suppliers. If he is elected I suppose they will be happy to supply us because his hinie is president. We can all park our tractors and watch them rust then.

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10-15-2004 18:29:09

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 Re: Kerry Question in reply to Jerry Cent. Mi., 10-15-2004 15:30:21  

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