Probably too late now, but if aint, make sure you have real good UPS's between them to filter out the spikes from the generator. You know Allen, if are running a business, really oughta have a good UPS, and not talking one of those $100, $200 dollar cheapies get from Circuit City or Best Buy. I mean a real UPS rated at like 3KVA, not so much for the power output, although that can be nice. I mean as a filter for either commercial or generator bad/dirty power, and lightening. Is a company in Illinois, "ONEAC" that is one of the best in surge suppression, probably can do a google search for them. As far as UPS's go, FERRUPS, Best UPS, Alpha, Triplte (make surge suppressors too) and many others. For AC telephone systems or LANs, are a must. What's the cost of doing business? So how about a little insurance? Think about backup or redundant hard drives to. I know, $$$. If using AC, I prefer to configure: Commercial/Gen power into ONEAC/Triplite/Alpha brand surge suppressors, into UPS, then into equipment. Nothing tops a rectifier DC system for backup and filtering (wet cells), too bad don't make DC powered computers. Your bud, Mark.