Several of you would have a lot to offer, and seem like fairly nice folks. But the tangent you have taken this web site off on has not been appreciated by many folks, and is indeed offensive. If you do not know that, take a look back in the archives a month & look how rich & full this place was of people & information. Now it is just a bunch of wise-crackers. No info, no point to it. There sure is a place & time for fun & off-tilt messages, but that had never been the sole _intent_ of this web site, and is not what most of the regulars (who have little choice but to leave or totally ignore all this) want. If you are genuine in your comment, that's good. I don't want you to go away. But could you give a dam about anyone else???? If you are just rattling on to see yourself in type as some do now, oh well. I'm trying to be civil. You be whatever you are. But rest assured, many of the newcomers are offensive. This used to be a fun place, where people could meet with their friends. Not any more. Thanks a whole bunch. Do I sound fruistrated? You bet. I held my tounge about this for a month. I stayed away from the Tractor Talk page - let you boys have your fun. But then several of you didn't have enough with that - seems you are bent on taking over all the web pages here, with pointless 'fun'. What are the rest of us to do??? I'm not asking anyone to leave - sure not my place. But can you look at yourself, and look at the posts your friends have made here, and really think any of that is in good taste, or appreciated by anyone else????? If you are serious, and you don't know it - yes it has been very offensive for the past month. --->Paul