When the 30 series Dubuque tractors became the 40 series, the 2030 became the 2440. I have a '78 2440. It's very close to the 2030 you're interested in. There are a few minor differences, but for the most part, they're the same. They are a stout little tractor. 60 HP, Good weight to power, nimble, and a fairly good hydraulic system. I'm not a big fan of the Hi/Lo transmission option. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread when all is well, but it can be extremely costly when it's time to be worked on. It'll add a lot to the cost of splitting the tractor, when it needs a clutch (IF you have that done at a dealer). The 2440 was offered with a choice of live or independant PTO. I like the independant myself. The 219 cu.in 4 cylider Dubuque engine is one of John Deere's more vulnerable engines to wet sleeve pitting, electraulisis (sp), and cavitation. Watch your coolant closely. Don't let the Ph get far off "normal', and use deisel coolant system additives (I use a Fram product) to aid in preventing cavitation. Deere also offers a kit for the 4000 series tractors to add a coolant filter. It is easily converted to use on the 2030, or any other Deere engine. If you are interested in that, post a response on here, and I will post and/or e-mail you pictures of my installation. It's simple, clean, and effective. Other than that, just check all the normal "used tractor stuff". Good tractor---LOTS of them still earning their keep on farms all over the world. John