I have a 100 gal 3pt sprayer from Demco, bought in mid 90s. It is all my smaller tractors can handle, but wish I had gone for the 150gal option. It is about 21 foot booms, 20 inch spacing. Perhaps on their web site yet?Booms are much better than the big fan-spray jets - many chemicals available here in the mid-west are not legal or at least drift _way_ too much with the big cluster jets. You need the tougher pump for Roundup naturally, mine is not, but it will rust out if I do much RU. Mine is the smallest pto pump, 6 roller or maybe even a 4? For what you want to do, get a break-away boom. My Demco has a real good design, 2 springs hold the booms in, can pivot either direction. Work hard on this, you _will_ use it. :) I also got a wand with it, really handy. Really like it, you will be happy with a 3pt for your jobs. Very flexable, small tracks. I could try to get some picks, but it's packed away for winter.... --->Paul