If you're talking about honing a sleeve, then the answer is yes. If the wear isn't too bad, you can re-ring, hone the sleeve, and have the pistons knurlized if necessary, and you MIGHT come out a few bucks cheaper than resleeving, since you're also not buying new pistons. But, in my opinion, if there's any question about the amount of ridge at the top of the cylinder, since you're already in there, why not do it RIGHT and resleeve...so that with a little preventive maintenance and some care, your H will still be running 10 or 15 years down the road without having another engine teardown. As I said, just my opinion...free, and worth every cent. Now if you're talking about some OTHER "grinding" operation on a cylinder sleeve, I would recommend you DON'T, unless it's for clearance with a radical stroker crank...in which case this would be a question more appropriately addressed on the "Tractor Pulling" board.