I wouldn't dream of depriving any child of a moment of joy, for whatever reason. If they want to "play" on a tractor, let them have their moment. Add that to the fact that tractors are definately "tied" to the image of farmers and farming. If there's anything you can do to cast the image of farm life in a more positive light, it is your opportunity to help. Take that and run with it. The last thing we need is to create an "us vs. them" atmosphere between farmers and "city folks". If you are so "protective" of a restored tractor that you don't want ANYONE on it, well, that's your choice. However, if you let one child on it, why not let those who might not have the chance otherwise, to have their few seconds of fun. When my family members visit the farm (from their city homes) I derive a great deal of pleasure from getting their children in/on my tractors or combine for a ride. They always seem to real enjoy it too. I have even let groups from local schools come out to the farm for a visit. The school's insurance regulations wouldn't allow any RIDES on equipment, but the all had their chance to climb up in the operators seat for a quick view. The smiles on their faces were well worth the time and trouble. Bottom line....Let them enjoy a little of what we get to enjoy a LOT of.....John