Collecting state sales taxes & properly filing that info is also an issue in most states.... Certainly many, many people make 5-10-20 of something like this, sell them, and no problems. But - the chance is there. And advertising it on the internet, looks like you can go into production on these & sell a few around.... what makes me write - yet again!!!! :) - on this, is the title of this thread. "Safety problem solved" is not ever a good way to look at these issues. In the USA with the liability issues, there can never be a solution to this. That is most certainly the wrong way to look at this. Can"t never solve the safety problems. You either need to be so big & powerful that few people can successully sue you - but look at the lady that put a hot cup of coffee between her legs, spilled it, & sued McDonalds for millions - and won. Or, you have to be so small & worth less than zero, so no one will bother to sue you, can"t get anything out of you. Those in the middle, that used to be the backbone of this country, the upstarts & inovators - they are being shut down with all this legal stuff. As always, just my general comments on something that really bothers me in this country - not a comment against anyone trying or inovating or building & selling a great widget. :) --->Paul