I had an interesting experience (or should say am having one) concerning a tractor recently on E-Bay. I was not the high bidder on a AC185D, but about a week later, I got an e-mail through E-Bay asking if I was interested in a "second chance" at my highest bid amount. The message told me to contact the "seller" directly via an AOL address and I would be receiving instructions and a "refund policy" from E-Bay.So I did contact the mailer directly; but I didn"t use the same e-mail address that normally do my E-Bay stuff (thank goodness). I also noticed that the "seller"s" e-mail address did not match the one that I had corresponded with before the auction ended (I had actually driven up to look at the tractor and talked with the owner before bidding). When I got a response from the "seller" it was unsigned, and asked for my E-Bay username and Address so they could start the "process"; and that delivery would take 3 days. To make a long story short, I have not given him any information, except that I offered to deliver cash to the tractor and pick it up. I didn"t get an answer to that, but I did get instructions to send the money to a "partner" in Chicago, with another assurance that delivery would be in 3 days. I have reported the initial scam to e-bay, but I am curious as to what I should do to string this guy along, and if there is any way that I could get him arrested for this enterprise, except that I am pretty sure he is offshore somewhere. Any suggestions??? By the way, if you google "second chance offer scam", you will find that this is a very pervasive thing recently, and it is so easy to fall for it!