Couple of things I would do: Immediately check and see if you are covered on the Chrysler extended warranty for this issue. Public pressure has an impact sooner or later and they may have stepped up to the problem. They may not be too open about it and you will have to pry a bit. Plan on having service done at the Chrysler dealer. They will get a bit more for oil changes but they will have the records if anything goes bad. I have a friend that had his Chevy van serviced religously at the dealer and when the engine blew at 50,000 miles, GM took that into consideration and fixed it for free. That was some years ago but the premise is still solid. Do an internet serch for service and recall bulletins for that car. There is a lot of data out there to be had and actually the amount of service issues on new cars is frightening. 2004 has the distinction of having the highest number of automotive recalls in history. Make friends with the service guys at the dealership. They are just normal folks like the rest of us and they will give you some tips on what they have seen. If you bought this from a dealer and you are spooked think about a trade. Things like this bug me to death and once I get a bad taste for something I can"t get away from it. Best of luck on this. Whatever you do, keep a cool head and be persistant.