12-03-2004 18:24:44
Re: auto parts not too O.T. in reply to jmoore, 12-01-2004 17:26:04
I guess I got to get in here and vent, also, as it does no good with our local NAPA. New owners..Owner decided to let his little wife run things..First thing she thought too many parts were being stolen so everything went behind walls... a few parts, mostly spray can cleaners and additives that don"t work out front..Next, we do not need all these parts, so you call in AM and parts might be there in PM or the next day.....Then since I (I am speaking of the little woman running the store) can"t weld, why do we need to maintain a roll of wire, a single 9" grinder disk, 4" disk, chalk, or flints for strikers..??..Anyone needing them can order in the AM and get it next day..This logic has forced me to stock lots more in my shop, order from Internet sources,..too bad, as it"s the only parts store in town and used to get 2-3,000 per year from me, now almost zilch, But thanks to the little woman running the store, I now can go in and pick from a display of 20 phones my choice of cell phone and order service...Something I do not own nor probably ever will....The days of parts houses carrying parts are gone my friends, watch out for the future, I see it and do not like it--overseas mfg, poor quality, no stock, higher prices, thanks for allowing me to vent...