Well, you got a pretty good responce. CC is not toxic - it's just salt. While it's hard on metal if you neglect it, the EPA doesn't come after you when it laks out.... Antifreeze concoctions are toxic, and any spill over a couple gallons is _supposed_ to be reported to the athourities - bad for the enviornment. Also it is lighter than water, while the CC is good weight at being heavier than water. My coop would read me the riot act if I called them out for a repair & they pumped antifreeze out of my tires and contaminating their CC reserves. For me from my tire coop, CC is far cheaper than antifreeze. Man,150 gallons of antifreeze per tractor? Yikes! Rim guard seems like a good alternative if you don't like CC. This is just my opinion on it, what ever works for others. CC is far & away the best choice - in my area. A loader tractor needs weight on the back, and tires 3/4 fll of fluid (it needs an air pocket yet, should never be plumb full) is a real good start. For heavy use, you'll need a bit more, wheel weights maybe. Something hanging off the rear is very good, that acts like a teeter totter & picks a tiny bit of weight off the front end axle, which gets overloaded with a loader. You just don't wantto run aloader without any weight on the rear of a tractor, it is very dangerous when you have a full bucket lifted up high. For some tillage operations, you want the added traction as well. For others, it would be a waste tho... --->Paul