You will need to compromise between the loader & the cultivating, depending which is more important.... What size bales will you be lifting, and how high? Small round, large square, etc.? I have 5x6 large round that needs a lot of tractor to lift just with the 3pt, needs _much_ tractor to lift with a loader. In addtion to those mentioned, a Ford 660 or 860 (also 661 / 861 - same thing, couple years newer) or the Ford 1000 line of tractors can do the job, and are well supported yet. Not all 800 Fords are the same, the middle number lets you know what features it has, and the x6x is often considered the best setup with 5-speed, live pto. If you want to do heavy cutting, like with a brush hog, you will prefer live pto. If you are baling hay or blowing snow, you will really, really want live pto. You want power steering for a loader tractor. Yes, you can get by without, but why? What dealers are left near you, what color of tractor was popular around you? I would condiser parts & experience nearby in my consideration as well.... --->Paul