Unless the head has previously been rebuilt it has no valve guides to "drop". The "guides" are created by simply machining holes in the head casting. Excessive valve "guide" wear is certainly a possiblity, as well as hardened and broken umbrella valve seals. Remove the valve cover and try to wiggle the valves side-to-side to see if any move excessively more than the rest. (You'll have to turn the engine over a time or two, so each valve can be checked when it's closed. You can see the valve stem seals through the coils of the springs. If they're brittle, loose on the stem, or broken, they can be replaced without removing the head, by applying air pressure to one cylinder at a time, with an adapter screwed in the spark plug hole. The air pressure keeps the valves from dropping as you compress each spring, remove the keepers, and retainer and spring, and replace the seal, and then reassemble.