The DB series sounds like a ROOSA-MASTER pump by Stanadyne. (There are also ROTO DIESEL pumps, but ROOSA did make a DB series.) Perhaps if you look under the correct name you will find information! Some of the easiest manuals to come by are the IH Blue Ribbon Service manuals, or John Deere injection pump manuals. There may be variations in the pumps, but the basic drawings and torque specs are pretty much the same between applications. For the Blue Ribbon manuals, try ebay or Binder Books. For the Deere manuals, try ebay, or call Deere direct at 1-800-522-7448 with credit card in hand. One of the Deere Roosa-Master manuals on CD is TM1109CD, priced at $35.00. Here's a link to ONE IH Blue Ribbon Manual curently on ebay, and NO, it's not mine! If you're in a real hurry for some basic information, email me, and I'll reply with a couple of basic scans on DB pumps.